Sound wrote:
...I dunnno... I feel like, even if we're stunted in this brand of maturity, we're missing an important variable. See, I think the growth process of emotional maturity slows down over time. I think that you mature more between 18-21 than you do from 21-24, than you do from 24-27, etc. I think this is true because living in social society has a finite amount of accessible ideas to learn. As you get older, the ideas become more nuanced, more difficult, less practical, less necessary. It's less 'worth' learning, and so we don't, and our modern human maturity process starts to slow down. So an NT gets all the low-hanging fruit, looks around and sees everyone else has similarly limited prospects for growth, and so they all cumulatively give up. If you're 'on par' with everyone, and lacking a deficit, then why strive for more maturity?
Compare to people on the spectrum. Well, all of it's harder for us, but our basis of 'acceptable level of maturity' is derived from comparison to everyone else. meaning that while others may have effectively slowed or stopped maturing(due to a commonly shared 'level' of difficulty/practicality), we potentially continue to fight through that difficulty to reach parity with everyone else's 'level.'
So, if we imagined it like a graph, our maturity vs time graphed line is a lot more gentle of a curve, closer to linear. Compare that to an NT, I presume they'd mature quicker, but also level-off sooner.
If this kind of variable that I'm imagining is true, has a lot of implications. Assuming that an ASD individual continues to strive despite the difficulty, then by nature of the NT 'levelling,' we can catch up later in life.
That's my hope, anyways. I'm not content at staying at 2/3's the capacity of my friends.
...Boy, I hope any of that made sense...
Yeah, I've noticed this about out-crowd NT's as well. We have some friends who are on the who's-who list downtown (one was 4th generation owner of a 5 star restaurant on the main club strip, was a pro surfer in Maui, another was a pro skater, another is a guy who dabbles in everything from guns to sport bikes and D&G type fashion design). It seems like the more intelligent, perhaps were potential social butterflies but simply didn't fit the mold well enough in highschool, are in their 30's and still climbing quite often. Some people who were nerds or stoners/ravers in high school end up there as well.
After a certain age though, what's forward motion in back's killing me? Wah - I'm grouchy? That's about the same time that you have others their age - either aspies or rare type NT's who are in their 40's and 50's, out there and actually doing things while everyone else watches TV.
I guess its goes to show more or less that AS/autism is really looked at more often from a <30 lens as a developmental struggle when its more pronounced.