So, I am not a diagnosed aspie, and refuse to self diagnose. Now, keeping that in mind, I am still exploring similarities in order to try to understand my way of thinking better. I assumed that taking one of those online tests (which I can't remember off the top of my head. It was 150 questions though) would help me understand myself a little better or at least point me in the right direction. Now, the interesting twist that I threw in there is that I invited my fiance to help. I would answer a question, and she would then assess my answer and add her input as to what she observes from her perspective. Oddly enough, I came to realize some of my eccentricities that I wasn't even aware of. I think that it really helped her as well. She now understands that I may not think the same as everyone else (which is something I am coming to grips with.) I think she had a lot of fun in a way. I am not sure how entirely accurate the tests are, but they at least help point in the right directions. Anyway, it was a strange date for us (we had to use skype since I am deployed) but it was eye opening and fun in a strange way.