Hello everyone - I'm an NT who was in a relationship with an AS guy who didn't know he was AS until after we broke up.
I was wondering - do you guys ever feel regret after a relationship ends and you revisit your own contributions to its conflicts and failings? (And by the way, I'm not saying that the AS is the sole contributor of conflict, I played a big role in the conflict myself).
By regret, I mean "Gee, I can now see I was a real stubborn as*hole. I wish I hadn't done XYZ." or "Wow, now that I know I have AS, I can see why I was doing things a certain way that really contributed to the downfall of the relationship." or "I can now understand why she kept telling me that I didn't display any empathy." or "I can now see why she accused me of being selfish."
I'm asking because I can often feel regret in the sense of - while i'm in the relationship, I can be blind to my own shortcomings and blind to the very strong emotions I'm feeling. Later on, after I've had some distance and time to reflect, I can see exactly why I was misguided and where I was not thinking so clearly.