I want to ask an acquaintance, who works for a company for whom I've done freelance work, to the movies. But I just can't do it. I'm afraid she'll say no, that she has a boyfriend (I have no idea, since it's been a while since I've seen her, apart from stopping by the office for brief visits, or some minor work). I'm afraid it'll be awkward, and then everytime I see her it'll be awkward, and I just can't bring my self to take the risk. I want her to say yes, but the fear of her saying no outweighs the positive outcome. Rather than desire the carrot, I fear the stick.
This is where The Game drives me nuts. I might not be so afraid, if I knew that a negative response could still mean a friendship is possible. But it has rarely happened that way. When I ask a friend, either she declines outright, or in one or two instances accepts, goes out with me, discovers I'm damaged goods and she can do better, and the result in all cases is they never speak to me again, even when I make occasional neutral FB messages or emails saying stuff like, "Hey, how're things going with you these days?"
And I have so few friends anyways, that I fear risking that for the slight chance of finding something greater: love. Because instead, it winds up costing me a friend, so why even try?
I dont' know what to do!