I have been away from the dating scene for some time now (1yr+) and i was hoping to find a girlfriend in my new altenative school (less thand 75 kids). Interestingly enough, none of the girls in the ENTIRE SCHOOL are single. NONE...
I went through about three different crushes within a week until i found this out.
Now i feel like I have to wait until probably next school year, but it seems too long, and i've been feeling incredibly lonely since a huge breakup last march.
iI also seem to have barely any friends, and the ones i have dont spend much time with me... one happens to be my best friend of two years and my sister's boyfriend of six months.
Bad combination.
I feel even more lonely because almost all my friends, my sister, and all the girls in school seem to be coupled
If anything, I'm just a hopeless romantic, but i feel i need some companionship.