Lene wrote:
Avoid places that you know she'll be (unless it interferes with your life). Block her on MSN and any internet sites and block her cell number.
If she continues to harrass you, you will need to be blunt. It's better to be slightly rude now than wait for it to get to you too much and all come out in a meltdown.
A firm "I don't want to be converted. Please leave me alone" is more than polite enough.
If that doesn't work, proceed to "piss off" and variants of.
Walk away each time.
If worst comes to worst, report her to the college or school. She's not a physical threat, but she is repeatedly bothering you and if it's clear that you've tried to discourage her, they should do something about it.
Other than that, you could always try taking the piss out of her preaching. Not very mature, but it might work. Just be careful she doesn't turn around and report you!
Pity works well by the way. It may not discourage her, but it will help it getting to you as much.
Thats the problem I ignore all her calls on my cell phone so then she goes to call my house phone and I live with my Grandparents and they don't even ask who it is when someone calls and just hands me the phone no matter what (even if I say I don't want to talk to tell whoever calls I am not home) and they wouldn't block the phone number as they don't know how too and they really like the girl.
And I can't report her to a school as we go to different schools currently (I am a senior in high school and she is a sophmore in junior college)
I guess just being blunt could work... does anyone know what I should say or how I can say it in a way not mean but to the point"