How do you normally act when you are flirted with?

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11 Jul 2006, 10:30 pm

When a guy flirts with me,I feel nervous and awkward.I'll be like,'Yeah,um,uh,that's nice..."and I'm thinking "run away!" .But for some reason,I Have trouble with knowing when a girl is flirting with me.But when I DO know for sure that I am being flirted with by a girl,I normally respond back.

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11 Jul 2006, 10:54 pm

I am not bi-sexual myself, so I cannot compare flirting with both sexses with what I experienced. When younger, I use to run away because I could not deal with it. Most of the time I did not even notice it if someone flirted with me. Nowadays I just receive the compliment and if I really like the person I will engage in a chat; otherwise I just say 'thank you' and ignore the advance.


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11 Jul 2006, 11:54 pm

I usually ignore flirting. That is, if I am aware of it in the first place. If I am interested in the person flirting with me (which has not happened for a while), I might chat with them, but I'm not one for flirting myself. Any attempt I would make at flirting would be remarkably clumsy.


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12 Jul 2006, 12:26 am

If a girl flirts with me I don't really care. I'm more relaxed.

If guy does, I seize up and say lame things like "i'm a lesbian" like I did in a club the other night. I mean, it was the worst burn ever.. I mean I could have got rid of him in a nicer or less silly way but I didn't know how. Then I just feel bad.

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12 Jul 2006, 12:29 am

I'm flirted with quite frequently, but even at my age (25) I still act like a 13 year old girl - I blush and kind of ignore the flirting or just freeze up. If I'm interested I just nervously giggle but even in this case, I still cannot make eye contact! Even with my ex-boyfriend, it took me months before I could even make consistent eye contact with him.


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12 Jul 2006, 2:30 am

Actually I was just reminded of something. I've been flirted with on occasion by gay males as well. I didn't ignore their advances though. Instead, I went out and told them honestly that I wasn't interested.

I suppose if you're gay you have to come to expect that most people will reject you, simply because there are less gay people. But I can't imagine honestly telling a woman flirting with me that I wasn't interested in her. It seems a little cruel. Maybe I should rethink my strategy for rejecting gay peoples' advances, so that I can be more tactful next time. Not that it happens often.


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12 Jul 2006, 3:59 am

It depends who's flirting with me. If it's someone who I really don't want to have anything to do with in that way I'll reply disjointedly and freak out about what to say and then get away from the situation as quickly as I can.. but if it's any situation other then that I'll normally flirt back, just changing how I flirt back based upon who it is and the situation. I guess I flirt quite often.
I can never tell if a girl is flirting with me or not though, it's so much harder.. because they could just be acting friendly towards you and joking around.


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12 Jul 2006, 4:21 am

hale_bopp wrote:
If guy does, I seize up and say lame things like "i'm a lesbian" like I did in a club the other night. I mean, it was the worst burn ever.. I mean I could have got rid of him in a nicer or less silly way but I didn't know how. Then I just feel bad.

Assuming you want to get rid of him, how about saying, "I don't feel like talking, sorry".


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12 Jul 2006, 5:47 am

Ok this is twisted but I am twisted.

If a guy I'm not interested in flirts with me, that's ok and I can flirt back as long as we both understand it's just a bit of fun and isn't going any further.

I tend to play fairly straight laced and don't make comments with sexual innuendo unless someone else does first. And then I guess if I make any suggestion that I am the least bit aware of sex - the people I'm talking to tend to be shocked. And then sometimes they assume that I'm a slut instead of having a bit of fun with double entendre. Oops.

If I'm interested in the guy and I find him attractive, I usually become a tongue tied mush, unless I know he's not available, in which case I cease to be interested and I'm ok with harmless flirting.

Not fair. I should be witty and articulate with the guys I find attractive and who are available. Sometimes I get caught out if a cute guy I know suddenly breaks up. And then what I thought was harmless flirting can get really intense - and then I want to run away as the nervous feelings are too much for me. I get all sorts of physiological symptoms as well, like stomach cramps, and nausea. Damn damn and double damn.


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12 Jul 2006, 7:25 am

when guys flirl with me i just stare at them... i am not sure what to say. they usually move on.


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12 Jul 2006, 7:45 am

When a gal does, I turn into a nervous wreck; I am somewhat better about this though.

Last time a guy did this, I told him "I'm not gay so back off." (of course, there was more swearing but kids are probably reading this).


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12 Jul 2006, 11:46 am

Obesity: The best way of avoiding flirting.


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12 Jul 2006, 1:01 pm

Flirting is very rare around me. It is useless and stupid for a guy to flirt with a girl because they don't play it right.


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12 Jul 2006, 1:28 pm

When a girl flirts with me, it often takes me a couple of minutes to actually realize what is happening. There are two separate scenarios.

If the girl is looks really good (7 or higher), I dismiss her flirting as a prank. I don't consider myself attractive, so there's no reason for a hot girl to be flirting me in the first place. If she seems nice enough, I make small talk as a courtesy, but always remain prepared for the possibility of a prank or a practical joke. This tactic never let me down.

If the girl is average-looking (4 to 6), I get very flattered. My looks are about in that range, so if a girl of similar looks is flirting with me, the possibility of attraction is very real. Depending on whether I feel "in the zone" or not, I either make a conversation with her or just freeze up trying to come up with something to say.

If the girl is not so attractive (3 or below), I'm struck with a moral dilemma. On one hand, there's very little competition, and I won't have much trouble getting a date with her. However, it wouldn't be fair to her if we started dating when I didn't find her attractive. The dilemma is worse when the girl is touching me, as opposed to flirting verbally.

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12 Jul 2006, 2:10 pm

I'm not sure what to tell ya, honestly. The only people who have flirted with me in person - in fact - I know the exact number. 4. 2 of them were completely creepy and made me very uncomfortable. One of those 2 was like a pedifile or something. I mean he looked SO much older than me and was trying to hold my hand and stuff even though we just met. I was actually scared, because I didn't know if I outright turned him down if he would kill or rape me next (when I got off the bus) so..... It was a horrible experience.

The other 2 guys were on the holiday cruise I went on to Mexico. One of them was my waiter. Imagine an older, uglier version of Fes from "That 70's Show". It was very flattering at first, but when I stuck around the longest so my family would leave and I could talk to him (I was VERY lonely on this ship), it started to feel a little weird and creepy. In this guys' case I think it was to get a big tip. There was also a Mexican merchant who was hitting on me. In this guys' case, it was probably to make me buy his goods.

I can never tell if someone is honestly interested in me anymore when they flirt with me. Somehow flirting always seems like a warning sign of bad news, or a game, so I try to ignore it when it's happening.

I have been flirted with online and I had the assumption it was just them being a tease, so I would tease back, however again, I really can't tell if someone is being sincere so I don't know how to react.


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12 Jul 2006, 2:47 pm

I used to not recognize it much at all. I've gotten a good bit better at it, however.

If it's a girl who is reasonably attractive to me, they don't necessarily have to fit a lot of my standards, then I'll follow through with it for the enjoyment (i.e. I will flirt with a wider range of girls then I'd actually end up dating). I rarely take it further (ask them out) because I'm either not sure how to work it in in a cool way, I epicly blow a great chance to work the request in, or I get cold feet (for a variety of warrantless reasons. In any event, in most cases it's not the girl's fault that I don't take it a step further.

If it's a girl I'm not interested in, I either politely change the topic and (if I can) bring someone else in on the conversation.

Since I'm not gay, if a guy tries to flirt with me I shut it down pretty quick. A slight cold shoulder or abruptly excusing myself from the conversation is usually more than enough to get the message across.