pumibel wrote:
Maybe follow your instincts better- you knew better than to get involved with that married woman, but you did anyway. If that girl you "put on a pedestal" had come back telling you she would date you, would you have done it even though you knew she had some difficult issues? Don't do that any more. These are common sense issues, not a secret code or a magic trick. You can stop yourself from making these mistakes.
I never hooked up with the married woman.
As for the other girl, I liked her a lot. But was too scared to talk to her. I thought of her as this great thing to pursue, and never got to know her all that well. Only afterwards did I find these things out. I'm not happy with this sort of reaction, where I just fall for a pretty face and eventually work my way to asking out - without knowing much anything first. Would be a setup for massive disappoint.