Ah. I'm starting to understand a little bit more. I have the same problems with the stress. What my little brother and I do is when mom & dad fight, we go to my room, AKA the "bomb shelter" and play video games until it subsides. That tends to work. Replace your room with whatever room you feel safest in if necessary. And I don't really like the news either because it is kind of depressing.
To the point, if night-time is your issue, here are my personal favorite ideas for handling it. First off, get a night light. I know three-year-olds have them, but it's actually quite comforting to be able to see your stuff. Secondly, this may not work for everyone, but if you like to think up stories, do it. It keeps your mind off of the scary stuff that can run through your head when your mind is racing right before sleep. And thirdly, if you are able, stay up a little later. The later you stay up and do things, the faster you go to sleep and the less time you have to think about how crappy nighttime is. Hope this helps!