Sedaka wrote:
Gamester wrote:
Sedaka wrote:
Gamester wrote:
A350XWB wrote:
Here's the thing: I love two different girls, one that is better than I am at calculus and the second one is better than I am at physics. How to sort this love affair out? How to pick one out (since the academics-based methods failed)?

It's not an affair unless your actually dating

that's not what he meant...........

I know what the man meant.
However, I do have a question.
Do either of the girls that you like, know that you like them and in return do either of them like you?
i just love your new NT attitude........
what gives? did your show suck so much that now you come back here to give half-assed quazi rude/arrogant remarks and heckle people while deceiving yourself that you're actually trying to be nice/helpful?
get over yourself... half of what you say isn't bad... i just don't get where your attitude is coming from... but it irks me, so i respond in kind.
oh and the lesbo insinuation was classy.
First off, my show is only during the school year.
secondly this is my attitude always, I just try to underlie it with a lot less snarkyness, I really don't care in general what people think of me, I piss people off enough that it's like a hobby.
Thrid.................what lesbian insinuation?
I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.