I don't know if I do or not... only fallen for one person, and I *THINK* I hide it well enough... but I noticed that I avoided looking at him for the most part (partly because embarrassed, partly because I don't find him attractive, so easier when not seeing... specially after he removed his beard... but lately been seeing him as more and more attractive... kinda like I accepted that he wasn't, but now he slowly is becoming so...)
I know I was driving two days ago w/ him, and was so nervous as hell that I almost went through a red light... T_________T... not a good experience for him w/ me driving for first time... T_______T... trying not to think about THAT so much...
but I also don't know if I do want to hide it or not... I sort of want him to know, but I'm too chickenshit to tell him... or more honestly, I want it to be reciprocated, and I can't tell if he likes me or not... ;_; I'm leaning towards no as time goes on, so half of me doesn't want him to find out so at least we can remain good friends, but half of me wants him to find out and do something about it...
Of course, he could notice, and trying to ignore it as well >"< know I did that when a friend fell for me....
Dunno.... I don't really understand how well others pick things out like that... I know AS people are less likely to notice emotions and stuff like that, but I don't know how much better non-ASpies are... like are they able to see everything? Or only a degree or two better than me? Am I noticable or not? I dunno .____.
least I know I don't blush! I do stumble and stuff though... but thats sorta normal :X