Erisad wrote:
Some may find the awkwardness associated with AS cute, like "awww, he's shy!"
Yeah, this is so the case with me, as soon as I started opening up and being myself around girls they would say "aww" to just about everything I say and they still do kinda
BigDoubleK, you just need to be yourself and seem comfortable with yourself, and girls will be comfortable around you. Since you're tall, girls will always notice someone who is 6'7", especially if you are a bit skinny/lanky. But you also have to be clean, I don't know if you smell good and shower everyday but that is a must and girls will always flock to a guy who smells good. Then wait for an opportunity to ask a girl a question or her opinion on something relevant, and if she thinks you're funny, she'll want to be around you. This probably won't get you a girlfriend right away but in high school the more friends you have that are girls, the better. I'm just explaining what happened in my situation.
Don't feel bad because you haven't had a girlfriend yet in high school. A lot of my "NT" friends have never had a girlfriend. Also, do not focus on you having AS or finding a girl with AS, I can guarantee that high school girls do not think to themselves "ew, he's Asperger's". They might think "he seems shy" but you can turn that into a positive.