Gamma, Beta, Delta, Theta and ...alpha

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28 Aug 2010, 12:33 pm

Many of the topics here have had me wondering;

Why so many just think in the Beta and alpha ranges..?

Why many people think that a dominate feature is more important then ones that are not dominate..

What is so great about being close to bed time/sleep?

I honestly see no attraction to these so called 'dominate' males - Just because someone can beat their chest and grunt louder does not mean they are attractive.

Hormones, steroids, chemicals and so many other things help..

and honestly, I believe a more 'rounded' individual is sexier then a loud, obnoxious, and aggressive one.

And it makes me ill at times, when I read some of the post from guys that seem hell-bent to try and be something they are not designed to be.
I cannot be the only one that finds this all very upsetting.

How humans are designed, makes it a lot more complicated and difficult to change, than just reading a book on how to be an 'alpha male' and acting a certain way. That just reminds me of 'behaviour' modification/reprogramming, like they have tried with homosexuality and so many other things in the past... many that were forced to take these 'programmes ended up killing themselves

Humans cannot just change some things so easy, that would involve hormone / steroid therapy of one type or another. Think about the changes that happen for females when their hormone levels go down, think about how people get so messed up with Beta-Blockers. Think about what people go through is they want a sex change..

Humans are not just made up of one or the other.. and not one is more important then the other..
People need to find their balance of all..

there really is some truth behind the quotes "Can one desire too much of a good thing?" and "Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better"

Quote: ... l_activity

Delta is the frequency range up to 4 Hz. It tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest waves. It is seen normally in adults in slow wave sleep. It is also seen normally in babies. It may occur focally with subcortical lesions and in general distribution with diffuse lesions, metabolic encephalopathy hydrocephalus or deep midline lesions. It is usually most prominent frontally in adults (e.g. FIRDA - Frontal Intermittent Rhythmic Delta) and posteriorly in children (e.g. OIRDA - Occipital Intermittent Rhythmic Delta).

Theta is the frequency range from 4 Hz to 7 Hz. Theta is seen normally in young children. It may be seen in drowsiness or arousal in older children and adults; it can also be seen in meditation.[14] Excess theta for age represents abnormal activity. It can be seen as a focal disturbance in focal subcortical lesions; it can be seen in generalized distribution in diffuse disorder or metabolic encephalopathy or deep midline disorders or some instances of hydrocephalus. On the contrary this range has been associated with reports of relaxed, meditative, and creative states.

Alpha is the frequency range from 8 Hz to 12 Hz. Hans Berger named the first rhythmic EEG activity he saw, the "alpha wave." This is activity in the 8–12 Hz range seen in the posterior regions of the head on both sides, being higher in amplitude on the dominant side. It is brought out by closing the eyes and by relaxation. It was noted to attenuate with eye opening or mental exertion. This activity is now referred to as "posterior basic rhythm," the "posterior dominant rhythm" or the "posterior alpha rhythm." The posterior basic rhythm is actually slower than 8 Hz in young children (therefore technically in the theta range). In addition to the posterior basic rhythm, there are two other normal alpha rhythms that are typically discussed: the mu rhythm and a temporal "third rhythm". Alpha can be abnormal; for example, an EEG that has diffuse alpha occurring in coma and is not responsive to external stimuli is referred to as "alpha coma".

Mu rhythm is alpha-range activity that is seen over the sensorimotor cortex. It characteristically attenuates with movement of the contralateral arm (or mental imagery of movement of the contralateral arm).

Beta is the frequency range from 12 Hz to about 30 Hz. It is seen usually on both sides in symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally. Beta activity is closely linked to motor behavior and is generally attenuated during active movements.[15] Low amplitude beta with multiple and varying frequencies is often associated with active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration. Rhythmic beta with a dominant set of frequencies is associated with various pathologies and drug effects, especially benzodiazepines. It may be absent or reduced in areas of cortical damage. It is the dominant rhythm in patients who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes open.

Gamma is the frequency range approximately 30–100 Hz. Gamma rhythms are thought to represent binding of different populations of neurons together into a network for the purpose of carrying out a certain cognitive or motor function.


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28 Aug 2010, 12:40 pm

Hit submit.. and was meaning to preview, but I hate editing..

Does all this, seeming forcing one type to be another, not bother anyone else?
Does it not reach inside your very core and pull at you, to read the words written by the guys that are hurting from what society
and their own body composition has caused?
Yet they keep trying to be something else.. and when they are not able to be that way, they see it as they failed in many ways?
when it is not something they have any control over to the degree of changing what they are..

Has society really become that selfish and hateful?


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28 Aug 2010, 12:46 pm

Surya wrote:
Many of the topics here have had me wondering;

Why so many just think in the Beta and alpha ranges..?

Why many people think that a dominate feature is more important then ones that are not dominate..

What is so great about being close to bed time/sleep?

I honestly see no attraction to these so called 'dominate' males - Just because someone can beat their chest and grunt louder does not mean they are attractive.

Hormones, steroids, chemicals and so many other things help..

and honestly, I believe a more 'rounded' individual is sexier then a loud, obnoxious, and aggressive one.

And it makes me ill at times, when I read some of the post from guys that seem hell-bent to try and be something they are not designed to be.
I cannot be the only one that finds this all very upsetting.

How humans are designed, makes it a lot more complicated and difficult to change, than just reading a book on how to be an 'alpha male' and acting a certain way. That just reminds me of 'behaviour' modification/reprogramming, like they have tried with homosexuality and so many other things in the past... many that were forced to take these 'programmes ended up killing themselves

Humans cannot just change some things so easy, that would involve hormone / steroid therapy of one type or another. Think about the changes that happen for females when their hormone levels go down, think about how people get so messed up with Beta-Blockers. Think about what people go through is they want a sex change..

Humans are not just made up of one or the other.. and not one is more important then the other..
People need to find their balance of all..

there really is some truth behind the quotes "Can one desire too much of a good thing?" and "Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better"

Quote: ... l_activity

Delta is the frequency range up to 4 Hz. It tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest waves. It is seen normally in adults in slow wave sleep. It is also seen normally in babies. It may occur focally with subcortical lesions and in general distribution with diffuse lesions, metabolic encephalopathy hydrocephalus or deep midline lesions. It is usually most prominent frontally in adults (e.g. FIRDA - Frontal Intermittent Rhythmic Delta) and posteriorly in children (e.g. OIRDA - Occipital Intermittent Rhythmic Delta).

Theta is the frequency range from 4 Hz to 7 Hz. Theta is seen normally in young children. It may be seen in drowsiness or arousal in older children and adults; it can also be seen in meditation.[14] Excess theta for age represents abnormal activity. It can be seen as a focal disturbance in focal subcortical lesions; it can be seen in generalized distribution in diffuse disorder or metabolic encephalopathy or deep midline disorders or some instances of hydrocephalus. On the contrary this range has been associated with reports of relaxed, meditative, and creative states.

Alpha is the frequency range from 8 Hz to 12 Hz. Hans Berger named the first rhythmic EEG activity he saw, the "alpha wave." This is activity in the 8–12 Hz range seen in the posterior regions of the head on both sides, being higher in amplitude on the dominant side. It is brought out by closing the eyes and by relaxation. It was noted to attenuate with eye opening or mental exertion. This activity is now referred to as "posterior basic rhythm," the "posterior dominant rhythm" or the "posterior alpha rhythm." The posterior basic rhythm is actually slower than 8 Hz in young children (therefore technically in the theta range). In addition to the posterior basic rhythm, there are two other normal alpha rhythms that are typically discussed: the mu rhythm and a temporal "third rhythm". Alpha can be abnormal; for example, an EEG that has diffuse alpha occurring in coma and is not responsive to external stimuli is referred to as "alpha coma".

Mu rhythm is alpha-range activity that is seen over the sensorimotor cortex. It characteristically attenuates with movement of the contralateral arm (or mental imagery of movement of the contralateral arm).

Beta is the frequency range from 12 Hz to about 30 Hz. It is seen usually on both sides in symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally. Beta activity is closely linked to motor behavior and is generally attenuated during active movements.[15] Low amplitude beta with multiple and varying frequencies is often associated with active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration. Rhythmic beta with a dominant set of frequencies is associated with various pathologies and drug effects, especially benzodiazepines. It may be absent or reduced in areas of cortical damage. It is the dominant rhythm in patients who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes open.

Gamma is the frequency range approximately 30–100 Hz. Gamma rhythms are thought to represent binding of different populations of neurons together into a network for the purpose of carrying out a certain cognitive or motor function.

i agree. wow you always have such an interesting perspective. i like your use of sleep as an analogy.

(i have to know - how do beta blockers mess people up? just wondering because i have to take them for high blood pressure)

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28 Aug 2010, 4:08 pm

totally agree with the OP on this. was a very interesting read

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28 Aug 2010, 7:57 pm

lol.. bloody hell.. /me waves bye bye to dissertation...

hyperlexian wrote:
i agree. wow you always have such an interesting perspective. i like your use of sleep as an analogy.

(i have to know - how do beta blockers mess people up? just wondering because i have to take them for high blood pressure)

Thanks hyperlexian..

maybe it is because I never.. truly 'tried to conform', and because I have lived in one country, but have lived in many at the same time. I also had sojme great teachers amongst the wreckage of horrid ones.

The whole Beta alpha thing has bothered me since I was little.

What age/grade did you start learning about the brain? The dominate alpha .. yet more useful Beta sections..

I remember I was about 10/11.. the textbooks and the teachers seemed to be contradicting what they said..

The most dominate area that is used is alpha, yes.. and the area it controls is.. the close to bedtime/sleep/relaxed rhythms
How many hours a day or people 'relaxing' and how many hours a day are people mentally, really doing something that stimulates their brain?
Beta controls productivity etc..

I would think, being productive and having an active mind, would be so much more desirable than being a rage-zombie..
But then I guess not all cultures can be as advanced in thinking and beliefs as some - Japan and Tibet to name a couple

- Alpha brain waves, last I checked, are NOT detected until a human is about 3 years old - they are NOT there

- There is a reason why the female lioness needs to get laid 200+ times in 4 days by that alpha male .... ;)

- Steroids are not to be screwed around with..

With the Human Genome Projects going on, things are becoming clearer, almost daily.
Quote: ... H/HGP.html
Already we know that large sections of our genome have closely-related homologs in the mouse.

* The collection of genes — and even their order — on human chromosome 17 matches closely those of mouse chromosome 11. The same is true of human chromosome 20 and mouse chromosome 2.
* Humans and mice (also rats) share several hundred absolutely identical stretches of DNA extending for 200–800 base pairs.

So as new things come up, I am always having to cross check things... and because everything is in friggen words.. it slows me down..
I really want to try the 'mind-control- helmet' BUT not for what it is 'intended for' - sorry off topic lol

beta-adrenergic blocking agents will block/stop your bodies natural response of binding norepinephrine and epinephrine to your Beta receptors on nerves.

To me, that says that you have too many of those Beta parts... .. your Dx Aspie correct? Your most likely, going to have that going on.
So you need to either lower them, by blocking with 'meds'. OR find the other side of the coin.. yin-yang, whatever you wish to call it. The balancing side - the alpha
You need to decide, what is best for you, westernised medicine, or getting to know your body and what it needs to balance out.
If you had low blood pressure, many GP would give you norepinephrine to treat it.

BUT, personally, I would tell my GP doctor to go f**k himself if he ever suggested that to me.
There is NO way I would allow those to be 'blocked', I would work to sort them out myself - I let things fall apart once before, never again.

Do you know what they do? There is a positive and a negative - if to much or too little.
If we are 'allowed' to go with our instincts, I feel things would be fixed pretty quickly..

- I smoke, I have had weight fluctuations for a couple years now - I have awesome blood work and blood pressure - at first they were worried it was too low when I first moved here

There is so much research and proof out there, that people do not know about, or others do not want 'getting-out'. There is proof about female genitalia, that would probably really help many females and males out there, BUT because some raging feminist do not like females being connected to ..OH NO a penis.. for-shame .. they have their tits tied up in knots all over the research and yell out that it is NOT true. I tend to disagree with it, because I know my body and I am not that much of a freak that I have that uncommon with other females as well. I also had a pretty ok 'research partner' and some great doctors that after getting used to my off the wall questions, were very helpful.

Useful links

Here is a interesting bit of info.. just to look at and to think about what I said about two sides of the coin
It is also, one of the reasons why I think we seriously need to start looking closer at our sex 'differences'.

Estrogen - Estrogen stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics and induces menstruation in women. Estrogen is important for the maintenance of normal brain function and development of nerve cells. Estrogen is essential for the healthy development and functioning of the female reproductive system and in keeping bones strong and brain cells healthy. Estrogen is used therapeutically to treat breast and prostate cancer and osteoporosis, and to relieve the discomforts of menopause.

Now, ask yourself this..
What the hell does Estrogen have to do with the prostate naturally, that it helps to treat prostrate cancer?
Why do men get prostate cancer?
What other natural 'product' can help with prostate cancer?

I do not hate females, but I despise the feminist mentality
- when they are trying to block information that can lead to helping people
- when their actions end up getting us all labelled the same way
- creating books to brain-wash people
- they expect to be respected - they demand it
- thinking they speak for all females
- misuse of a "Goddesses" system
- etc

I adore most males, but I despise the alpha-male mentality
- them thinking they are 'Gods gift' to women
- thinking they are all that
- cock of the walk
- the only male to be respected is them..
- blocking info that can help people
- creating books to brain-wash people
- etc

pfffttt. screw that...

Personally I believe the other males (with some of us females) should all stand up to the alpha males - They would be out-numbered
If humans are like primates, then it should work if Tanzania is a good sample of it..

Enter the Gamma Male:


Alpha status and agonistic alliance in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)

Intermale competition was studied in a habituated group of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Mahale Mountains of Tanzania. The group of 27 individuals included 3 adult males and 12 adult females. The beta-ranked male was observed to attack the alpha male and usurp his status. The beta male was supported by an ally, the gamma male. Earlier in the competition the gamma male had supported the alpha male. When the alpha male was displaced, he completely lost what had been an exclusive copulatory right. It was clear that alliance with the most subordinate male was a critically effective strategy for the major competitors. The alliance strategy of the gamma male invested him with important power. The strategy of changing alliance is referred to as “allegiance fickleness.” It is suggested that allegiance fickleness could provide a basis for individual selection of social intelligence.


The fate of defeated alpha male chimpanzees in relation to their social networks

Usurpation of alpha status by males is a relatively rare event among wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains National Park, western Tanzania, where long-term field studies have been carried out since 1965. Here we report three such cases and compare the fate of those defeated alpha males. The formation of effective alliances with other adult males is considered to be crucial in determining what will happen to the defeated alpha male in the rank order after the loss of his status.

Outside of social sex group - the females stored the sperm for later use? 8O for-shame dirty birds.. lol
Quote: ... /20/6/1185

Extrapair young were the result from both extrapair copulations with males outside the female's group of social mates and stored sperm from previous mates. We suggest that males were unable to effectively guard their females to prevent extrapair paternity due to 1) the dense habitat they live in and 2) the onset of incubation before clutch completion.

If there can be a thread on how to be a alpha-male, then there should be allowed a thread that shows the other side of the coin
or at least a thread that can see if it is 'chemically' realistic, naturally..

@ DemonAbyss10 .. thanks..


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28 Aug 2010, 8:13 pm

This comes from the blog The Social Pathologist, came across it while I was checking out what ...some of the crap here was coming and whose mouth.. can you guess the mouth?
Curious to see what others think...

The Diseases of Modern Life as seen through the Secular Confessional ... a-man.html

The Roissysphere tends to view relationships as purely sexual. A man status and happiness are measured by the quality of the lay. A man banging 10's is more Alpha and happier than a man banging 8's. While there is a great deal of truth to this in high school, in reality adult relationships need much more than simple sexual attraction. That's not to say that sexual attraction is not important--social conservatives please note--rather grown ups tend to want other things as well: stability, friendship, love etc. Neil Strauss, the populiser of Game realised this; his own relationship with Lisa Leveridge failed. He could pull in the hotties but it appears he couldn't keep them.

The curious paradox is that what seems to keep relationships going long term is a combination of both alpha and beta traits. A man has to possess characteristics which both turn a woman sexually on and turn her off. In Roissy's taxonomy of men, the males are divided into Alpha, Beta and Omega. But Roissy only measures by the ability to get laid. Instead Athol Kay--who is focusing on long term relationships-- builds on this and proposes the Gamma male

The Omega Male is easiest to dispense with. He’s just devoid of positive qualities and only the most desperate of women would desire to mate with him. Even then he’ll likely need up being supported by her to some degree. Avoid him.

The pure Alpha Bad Boys certainly do pull the women, but the relationships tend to be short as eventually the women become uncomfortable with the lack of comfort building support. There’s plenty of excitement, and sizzling sex as the attraction is definitely there for her, but she knows from the beginning its not going to last, but she is drawn to him anyway.

The pure Beta Nice Guy also pull women, but they pull differently. They “make sense” on an intellectual level and they are very comfortable to live with. More than likely they are too comfortable, and the woman tends to want to see a display of dominance of some sort before she becomes fully attracted to him. Ultimately the nice guys are just too sexually boring to women to remain completely focused on one. Queue the “I love you, but I’m not in love with you speech”. What is often seen in young women is ping ponging between bad boys and nice guys – she gets a dose of crazy sexual attraction from the bad boy, but then she needs the comfort building and she seeks it from a nice guy, and then the cycle repeats over and over until the music stops around age 35 and she’s scrambling to find a chair anywhere.

The ideal is the Gamma Male. Not often talked about, but they are out there. Usually a Gamma is an Alpha Male that “grew up” and toned down the antics slightly and started being socially conscious and more of a team player. Or they started as a Beta Male that “grew a pair” and started bumping back on the rest of the world rather than just taking it lying down. Either way works as a route. Like Jean-Luc Picard, Gammas use diplomacy but when required to they will respond with adept force. Mostly they are consciously aware of both their own natures, and the needs of women. They adjust on the fly to the situation, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. Gamma’s are the true ideal, but I think the Alpha and Beta terms are so ingrained, that it is simply easier to broken record the idea that if you’re too Alpha the solution is to add Beta, and if you’re too Beta the solution is to add Alpha. You already know what your weak area is. Work on that for easy gains.

EDITED: Because I just noticed my quotations had a huge fail.

Last edited by Surya on 29 Aug 2010, 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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29 Aug 2010, 1:01 am

Surya wrote:
This comes from the blog The Social Pathologist, came across it while I was checking out what ...some of the crap here was coming and whose mouth.. can you guess the mouth?
Curious to see what others think...

The Diseases of Modern Life as seen through the Secular Confessional ... a-man.html

The Roissysphere tends to view relationships as purely sexual. A man status and happiness are measured by the quality of the lay. A man banging 10's is more Alpha and happier than a man banging 8's. While there is a great deal of truth to this in high school, in reality adult relationships need much more than simple sexual attraction. That's not to say that sexual attraction is not important--social conservatives please note--rather grown ups tend to want other things as well: stability, friendship, love etc. Neil Strauss, the populiser of Game realised this; his own relationship with Lisa Leveridge failed. He could pull in the hotties but it appears he couldn't keep them.

The curious paradox is that what seems to keep relationships going long term is a combination of both alpha and beta traits. A man has to possess characteristics which both turn a woman sexually on and turn her off. In Roissy's taxonomy of men, the males are divided into Alpha, Beta and Omega. But Roissy only measures by the ability to get laid. Instead Athol Kay--who is focusing on long term relationships-- builds on this and proposes the Gamma male

The Omega Male is easiest to dispense with. He’s just devoid of positive qualities and only the most desperate of women would desire to mate with him. Even then he’ll likely need up being supported by her to some degree. Avoid him.

The pure Alpha Bad Boys certainly do pull the women, but the relationships tend to be short as eventually the women become uncomfortable with the lack of comfort building support. There’s plenty of excitement, and sizzling sex as the attraction is definitely there for her, but she knows from the beginning its not going to last, but she is drawn to him anyway.

The pure Beta Nice Guy also pull women, but they pull differently. They “make sense” on an intellectual level and they are very comfortable to live with. More than likely they are too comfortable, and the woman tends to want to see a display of dominance of some sort before she becomes fully attracted to him. Ultimately the nice guys are just too sexually boring to women to remain completely focused on one. Queue the “I love you, but I’m not in love with you speech”. What is often seen in young women is ping ponging between bad boys and nice guys – she gets a dose of crazy sexual attraction from the bad boy, but then she needs the comfort building and she seeks it from a nice guy, and then the cycle repeats over and over until the music stops around age 35 and she’s scrambling to find a chair anywhere.

The ideal is the Gamma Male. Not often talked about, but they are out there. Usually a Gamma is an Alpha Male that “grew up” and toned down the antics slightly and started being socially conscious and more of a team player. Or they started as a Beta Male that “grew a pair” and started bumping back on the rest of the world rather than just taking it lying down. Either way works as a route. Like Jean-Luc Picard, Gammas use diplomacy but when required to they will respond with adept force. Mostly they are consciously aware of both their own natures, and the needs of women. They adjust on the fly to the situation, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. Gamma’s are the true ideal, but I think the Alpha and Beta terms are so ingrained, that it is simply easier to broken record the idea that if you’re too Alpha the solution is to add Beta, and if you’re too Beta the solution is to add Alpha. You already know what your weak area is. Work on that for easy gains.

At childhood-early teenage years I was the one to just lash out at the world. Late teens I just let people walk all over me for getting into way too much trouble over my agression. Nowadays I just simply stopped careing for the most part. I tend to put up a tough exterior to help protect my own psyche. I ended up gradually re-introducing some of the aggression as well as trying to controll both aspects. I still have issues with it, and lost a job over this stuff because I decided to stand up for myself instead of me taking it up the ass figuratively speaking.

I do know that I am most likely viewed as the cranky ass of the forums that has his nice moments, which have been coming out more and more.

Myers Brigg - ISTP
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29 Aug 2010, 2:28 pm

DemonAbyss10 wrote:

At childhood-early teenage years I was the one to just lash out at the world. Late teens I just let people walk all over me for getting into way too much trouble over my agression. Nowadays I just simply stopped careing for the most part. I tend to put up a tough exterior to help protect my own psyche. I ended up gradually re-introducing some of the aggression as well as trying to controll both aspects. I still have issues with it, and lost a job over this stuff because I decided to stand up for myself instead of me taking it up the ass figuratively speaking.

I do know that I am most likely viewed as the cranky ass of the forums that has his nice moments, which have been coming out more and more.

So you are looking for the balance for yourself.. that is awesome. There is a chance you will always have some of those 'issues', there is nothing wrong with that as long as you recognise that you have them, and try to understand them. There is also nothing wrong with standing uo for yourself, just be aware of what the consequences may be.

I think it is odd that you think/know you are mostly viewed as the cranky ass of forums though.. unless you mean different forums. Your sig faces? I guess they are seem to not be cranky.

I do wish you would have made 'Into the Abyss' longer though..

oh well.


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29 Aug 2010, 3:21 pm

Surya wrote:
Does all this, seeming forcing one type to be another, not bother anyone else?
Does it not reach inside your very core and pull at you, to read the words written by the guys that are hurting from what society
and their own body composition has caused?
Yet they keep trying to be something else.. and when they are not able to be that way, they see it as they failed in many ways?
when it is not something they have any control over to the degree of changing what they are..

Has society really become that selfish and hateful?

Let's hope not.

I quite like Theta too - creativity is good.
Dispense with the omegas may be a harsh thought. Hurting from society leaves some people thinking that's all they are cut out to be. Let's just dump the fake and bad-boy alphas and the psychopaths (who probably think they're super-alphas) and see if the rest of us can get along a bit better.


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29 Aug 2010, 3:50 pm

What are theta and delta males like then, or am I being stupid?

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29 Aug 2010, 9:55 pm

Moog wrote:
What are theta and delta males like then, or am I being stupid?

That is an interesting question actually where it concerns delta adult males. Deltas haven't really been explained much, from the point of how the brain works and what goes on with the waves at that stage. But there is enough data to say, possibly, they would appear.. drunk or schizophrenic...

There has been some brief touching on theta, but I could add some more, or if someone else wishes to..

I had said earlier, that alpha brain waves don't generally show up until about 3 years old. So are alphas 'created'?

Why I ask that, is because around ages 10/15 the delta waves are not very active in its higher frequencies, and hardly in their lower frequencies. They do show up it seems when individuals are drunk, delirious or been diagnosed with dementia or schizophrenia. So if that is the case, what other changes happen with the brain..

Can we as humans, control it? There was a term years ago 'we have the ability to 'shape' young minds'
- If that is true, then would it not reason that a child could mould their own mind if given the chance?
- I also wonder, how much of childrens environment may have effected the results
- if it was all mid income families, would that affect it? compared to lower income families?
- what society do they come from - That has to have a affect of some sort on it - European children vs North American.. there is a difference

Quote: ... 160458.htm

Brain Wave Changes In Adolescence Signal Reorganization Of The Brain

ScienceDaily (Dec. 8, 2006) — Brain wave changes in adolescence are related to age, not sexual maturation, and may be associated with one of the brain's major reorganization projects: synaptic pruning, a new study finds.

The study, "The adolescent decline of NREM delta, an indicator of brain maturation, is linked to age and sex but not to pubertal stage," was undertaken by Irwin Feinberg, Lisa M. Higgins, Wong Yu Khaw and Ian G. Campbell, all of the University of California, Davis. The American Physiological Society published the study, which appears in the December issue of the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.

In childhood, the brain has many synapses -- small junctions between neurons that transmit signals. The more junctions there are, the more intense the brain activity. During adolescence, the brain reorganizes and eliminates many synaptic connections, a process known as synaptic pruning.

This pruning makes the brain's information processing more efficient and powerful while consuming less energy. Previous studies have found that there is a steep decline in sleep slow wave activity, the delta wave, during adolescence. The authors hypothesized that the decline is caused by age-programmed synaptic pruning.

Brain changes begin at age 11

This study followed two groups of children over the course of two years: 31 children were nine years old at the beginning of the study. Thirty-eight children were 12 years old.

The researchers used an in-home electroencephalograph (EEG) to record the children's brain activity during sleep. Measurements were taken at six-month intervals and analyzed by computer. The researchers also recorded sexual maturity and physical growth (height, weight and body mass index) at each interval.

They found delta wave intensity across the 9-11 age group was:

* unchanged
* the same for girls and boys

They found delta wave intensity across the 12-14 year group:

* declined by 25%
* was related to age but unrelated to physical growth and sexual maturation
* was related to gender, with lower intensity in girls than boys because girls begin the brain reorganization sooner
* was unrelated to the later bed times and reduction in total sleep time that occurs during adolescence

Changes related to age

Previous studies had shown a delta wave activity decline of 50% between ages 10 and 20, but it was unclear when the change began and whether there were gender differences, Feinberg said. This study shows that changes in delta wave activity during sleep begin at about 11 years of age and declines 25% by age 14.

The gender difference observed in delta intensity among the 12-14 year old children suggests that girls, on average, begin adolescent brain maturation at least one year earlier than boys. However, once they begin this maturational process, it proceeds at the same rate in both sexes. Also, previous research had not resolved whether these changes are related to sexual maturation. This study suggests the change in delta wave activity occurs with age, not sexual maturity.

"It may seem surprising that age is the (predominant) factor in the delta power density decline," the authors wrote. "However, many maturational events in the development of the nervous system proceed on a programmed schedule." It is still possible, however, that the unknown brain stimulus that initiates sexual maturation in adolescence also initiates the changes in the brain, but that the processes then proceed independently.

"Longitudinal sleep EEG measurement could also provide a new arena for clinical studies of subjects at high risk of schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders," the authors noted. The emergence of schizophrenia during adolescence and the dramatic change in delta wave activity during that time might both be related to synaptic pruning, Feinberg said. "It is possible that sleep EEG changes will prove a relatively direct indicator of synaptic pruning," the authors concluded.


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29 Aug 2010, 10:14 pm

ladyrain wrote:
Surya wrote:
Does all this, seeming forcing one type to be another, not bother anyone else?
Does it not reach inside your very core and pull at you, to read the words written by the guys that are hurting from what society
and their own body composition has caused?
Yet they keep trying to be something else.. and when they are not able to be that way, they see it as they failed in many ways?
when it is not something they have any control over to the degree of changing what they are..

Has society really become that selfish and hateful?

Let's hope not.

I quite like Theta too - creativity is good.
Dispense with the omegas may be a harsh thought. Hurting from society leaves some people thinking that's all they are cut out to be. Let's just dump the fake and bad-boy alphas and the psychopaths (who probably think they're super-alphas) and see if the rest of us can get along a bit better.

Ohh.. my response to this seems to have not posted..

I hope not as well, but, I don't know.

I know for myself, when I read some of the responses and some of the OPs..
.. things just don't sit well with me.
I look around where I live and I don't like it.

But, I completely agree, that we gotta ditch those power hungry alphas

I also think.. the feminist need to back off - they are going too far..
There is scientific proof about our bodies, that some high up feminist, do not want to be well known info - they deny it..

Well, sorry, some thought the earth was flat.. things change.
Oh well.. so females have a connection to penises.. big deal

If estrogen can help prostate cancer, then there has to be a connection anyway - and they are just being twats about
trying to disrupt the flow of information that could help people.

Partly why oxy.. was not as well known about.. I am sure was because of them..
because it is connected to birth.. and ejaculation..

But..sadly I need to continue this tomorrow.. I am tired and getting ready to move soon.. and still have packing to do..


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30 Aug 2010, 4:41 am

Hi Surya, thanks for responding.

I would like to sort of 'recap' what I think you are essentially saying; people behave in certain ways because of the frequency their brains tend to operate at, and for whatever reason, different people have brains that operate more in certain ranges and less in others.

Have you ever heard of or used brainwave entrainment programming? I wonder what your opinion on it is.

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30 Aug 2010, 11:40 am

Moog wrote:
Hi Surya, thanks for responding.

I would like to sort of 'recap' what I think you are essentially saying; people behave in certain ways because of the frequency their brains tend to operate at, and for whatever reason, different people have brains that operate more in certain ranges and less in others.

Have you ever heard of or used brainwave entrainment programming? I wonder what your opinion on it is.

Not just the brain waves though..
they are just a lot easier to 'see' and to track.

But also every other part of the human body structure..

one side of steroids does one thing.. the other side does the opposite..

If alpha types produce one hormone/steroid more than Beta types.. than it would show up..

Like the "social', 'love' 'cuddle' hormone.

Beta types have it naturally in their bodies.. we all do
BUT because of the LACK of one 'OUTER' thing.. They do NOT produce enough of it
If they produce enough of it.. than things change..

The same thing goes in the other direction..

If Beta types produce one hormone/steroid more than alpha types.. than it would show up..

And they do.. and it shows up..

There is one that really shows the difference and it can also have an affect on women of either side..
This is one of the ones that shows to me, we need to look deeper at our bodies, and really have some feminist shut the hell up

with this knowledge, we should be able to create a more balanced human.. naturally.. without MEDS or synthetic crap..
and that human could possibly be more of a 'gamma' type..

Make sense?

brain tuning, I haven't looked at it enough, lately, I think.. so may have changed since I really spent much time looking into it.
But please share what you know...


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30 Aug 2010, 11:48 am

Moog wrote:
I would like to sort of 'recap' what I think you are essentially saying; people behave in certain ways because of the frequency their brains tend to operate at, and for whatever reason, different people have brains that operate more in certain ranges and less in others.

Have you ever heard of or used brainwave entrainment programming? I wonder what your opinion on it is.

Hi Moog,

We all experience the range of brain wave cycles, but I think what you say about people tending towards certain ranges could be true. Haven't tried anything formal, it would be interesting, but I'm not sure, in view of the expense usually involved, how much of what's available is snake-oil. I would like to be wired up to see how brain function relates to 'readings', but trying to switch states on in a lab environment would be quite difficult.


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30 Aug 2010, 11:50 am

Moog wrote:
What are theta and delta males like then, or am I being stupid?

There's a lot of info available which, once you start looking into it, seems to connect together, so a lot of this has to be generalised. I don't really categorise actual people into labels, it's more looking at styles of behaviour, and trying to find patterns. And I don't 'know' this stuff, it's just the patterns that seem to stand out, combining research, personal experiences, and browsing WP etc.

Anyway, that aside. Gamma Waves are a fairly recent 'find', but they do seem to equate to 'flow', and that state seems to me to be very aspie, and could even relate to rdos 'aspie talent/compulsion' categories. But it's also possible to be in flow state whilst dispassionately interacting with the world, rising above it, if you like. In spirituality, the phrase being at one with things is a metaphor of the flow concept. I'm not trying to imply it's aspie-only, just that we can probably get there quite easily, even playing video games (in the zone).

But the Theta state also relates to components of spirituality and creativity, almost in a different way, since it shows in things such as REM sleep, lucid dreaming, meditation. So I tend to think of theta as closer to psychic awareness or closer to the unconscious, but at the same time it is almost the absence of the focus of the gamma state, which could be more of a super conscious state. Perhaps OOBEs are theta state experiences.

But relating it to personal experience, brainwork, information processing, that is flow, my brain is so engaged I can almost feel it working. But painting/drawing, for me, is a different place, I'm disengaged from the world, but I'm also disengaged from myself, and almost unaware of what I'm doing. Not that I'm much of an artist, but it's a nice place to be, and it's a different place. My unconscious mind is a better artist than my conscious mind, and tends to surprise me.

Surya has gone with Delta as perhaps negative, but I think any of the brain wave states can be negative. So I could equate positive delta to 'at peace with oneself', no drives to fulfill, no pressures, not a oneness with the universe, just a oneness with oneself. A calm sensual place possibly. It's also associated with deep sleep, so maybe what I'm trying to describe is the relaxed contentment of sleep whilst still being awake. I do have someone in mind here, who was unique and rather wonderful, like an oasis of calm.

According to Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation.

For the most part (except for basic bodily feelings like hunger and pain, which are innate), people are able to decide what they want to focus their attention on. However, when one is in the flow state, he or she is completely engrossed with the one task at hand and, without making the conscious decision to do so, loses awareness of all other things: time, people, distractions, and even basic bodily needs. This occurs because all of the attention of the person in the flow state is on the task at hand; there is no more attention to be allocated.