HopeGrows wrote:
OP, I hope you can find ways to soothe and comfort yourself through this experience. If you can't come up with ways to do that, a therapist can be very helpful in that regard.
Unfortunately, you ex-gf is your ex now, so you can't count on her support in the way you used to....that's part of breaking up. She must be an understanding person, because she has been willing to try to help you through this for six months - but her understanding has limits - and you're approaching them. You've got to start the process of healing, and building a new life for yourself. Good luck.
Actually she hasn't been understanding at all really. There have been very very few episodes of her lending an ear at all.
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.