Yeh, I don't use names much either... I can go months without knowing someones name, and doesn't really make things awkward since I never use names anyways xD
I use names when typing online or referring to someone, and like Sparrowrose when I need to get someones attention and can't otherwise xD, this actually happens fairly often with my friend Dennis because he's half-deaf (wears hearing aides, and sometimes... doesn't xD), so sometimes only time I can get his attention is by calling his name
On aim, the guy I like I use his name a lot... in a lot of goofy petnames... I tend to like making nicknames for people in general online, but usually based off game character or aim SN... not their real name
But come in person, and never use their name while conversing with them, or calling them, its actually really awkward to do it (needa call ppls name in rock climbing sometimes to properly communicate to your partner, but I keep forgetting and feel weird when I do manage to).
As for what I feel love as.... I don't know... =/
I have a hard time telling my parents/family that I love them... I mean I *CARE* for them, and hope that they don't have to go through a single moment of pain or hardship, same for all my friends... but love? Based off of growing up, and society saying that you love your family and everything, and all the reading/media on it, I'd say yes, I love them.... but otherwise, theres really no way of knowing :X I don't *feel* anything... so it just feels weird and strange saying "I love you" to them... about 3-4x a year I'll pop out and say it just so my parents don't feel bad... my mom always gets really happy when I do (but she's used to me not saying it in response to hers on phonecalls and stuff).
But for the dude I like... the whole liking thing... has been really weird! Freaked me out for the first few months, but finally got used to it... it was just unlike any other feeling I ever felt, and constantly affected me and was overwhelming... I guess because I generally don't feel many emotions strongly, and because I never experienced it before. I was almost panicking from it... I kinda hated him for making me like him, because it felt too weird and wrong and uncomfortable... but this is just "like" (no, not lust, don't like anyone remotely in that way). But there is still love between friends, so I guess it is a larger degree of "love" than normal, as everyone else seems to suggest... I just can't quite explain it... or understand it, or really recognize it when it appears (I actually was freaking out for a bit because didnt know why I was feeling so weird xD...)
But overall, I'd say its a deep caring, and wishing well for those people (family, friends) from the bottom of your heart, and being open to doing anything you can to help them achieve happiness.