He has PDD-NOS, and I'm a Neurodiverse (DCD+ADHD+Dysgraphia and/or LD-NOS (My many many diagnoses pointed those out.... )), and many of my "disabilities" overlap the spectrum, but I'm still not on it, so I need you to help me be a better wife-to-be.
For now, our efforts in helping each other accept one another and have a healthy relationship includes me giving up on lying (even though I really meant to decieve him (I was used to keep lying to others that everything is okay so that they won't have to deal with my problems, but my Fiance'e is really sweet & caring and he wants me to tell him what's wrong), not to get some nonverbal crap which I personally don't give a s**t about ), not making some noises that gives him a headache, and him reminding me about things I need to do and not being critical about me forgetting my duties (though he wasn't critical at first, he's the only close person who never mocked me for being irresponsible), and dealing with my mood swings.
Our relationship is doing great: Wer'e both obsessive, we are sworn hug-whores, we don't understand others, but we understand each other most of the time, and every time we argue is about one of us risking itself and/or his future - our closest things to fights are extremely rare and based on worries.
But now, I know that he might share a few problems with you PDDers & Aspies, that I'm unware of, and I need help in being even better. As I said, I might share many, many autistic-like traits with him and you, but I'm not autistic - therefore I can't understand autistics as you do.
Have DCD,ADHD, and many others (and possible AS). Husband-to-be has AS/PDD.
Name: call me Nitz.
Age: 16
Obsession: Neuro-psychology, my boyfriend, neurology (stopped denying it).
Illy, I love you.