Guys/men, what turns you away on dating site profiles?
Many guys on here tried using dating sites. As you browse the girls'/women's profiles, I'm sure you've come across profiles that turn you away. Notice I said "away", and not "off". In other words, it gave you the impression "she could never go for me", rather than "I'm not attracted to her". I'll start with my own. Post yours, if you wish.
-> Good-looking girls say they're looking for a nice guy
I learned the hard way over the years that these are just words. If I try to talk to her, it's pretty much a given that a jerk will get picked over me. And if she's really good-looking, it makes me wonder what she's doing on a dating site in the first place.
-> Glamorous-looking shots
To me, it just smacks of a "hot and knows it" attitude. My looks are anything but hot, so it's clear that I'd either get rejected on the first message I sent her, or have to fight against a massive upstream current in order to get her to like me. Plus, if she feels like she has to put up a glamour act on a dating site, it makes me wonder how she'll be like in person.
Exception: when the glamour shot makes it clear that she's being ironic
-> Large groups of friends in most of the pictures
This pretty much says "this is my review panel who will be evaluating if you're fit to date me". I have enough trouble fitting one person's expectations, let alone a whole groups of friends. This goes double if the girl/woman in the profile is very attractive looking, because that means she has hot friends with the same standards.
-> Lesbian/bi overtones in the group shots (erotic hugging, tongues sticking out, etc.)
Come on, seriously? That stuff was hot ten years ago, when it was new, now it's just plain annoying. And Katy Perry is an idiot, so no need to follow her example. But most importantly, it just screams "attention *****" (the ***** rhymes with "bore"). And an attention ***** is the last kind of girl an aspie wants to be with.
-> Very long lists or descriptions of requirements in the written section
OK, I realize they want their guy/man to be perfect, but some on! Who can meet every item on the list? And if one of them is "must be a nice guy", then I'm afraid they just lost him, that is, if he's smart enough to see past the words. I might message her just for the heck of it, but I certainly won't try to date her.
-> Empty or one-line written section
This clearly tells me that the author set up the profile for all the wrong reasons. Either she was bored (this is especially common on free sites) or just wanted some attention of desperate guys messaging her. Then again, to give her some benefit of doubt, maybe she didn't think anyone would actually read the profile. But I do, so this definitely turns me away.
-> Use of all-caps, textspeak, or bad spelling and grammar
Anyone who's being sloppy and/or careless about finding a relationships might be the same way in the relationship. This goes double if the writing is so bad, that reading it requires cryptography decoding skills. So unless the profile has other aspects that can compel me to send a message, I usually pass.
I'm afraid those all meet my disqualifying factors as well. I'm a gay man, but as I search for relationships with men and friendships with either gender, all of those factors are serious issues, and will likely result in a dismissal of their profile.
Let me add this . . .
"I got bored halfway through." Their profile starts out full of thoughtful speculation, but down around the 3rd or 4rth category, they either stopped expressing themselves fully, or they left it with "Will fill in later."
I have never made my own profile. I don't know if I find it sad to have to resort to online dating, or I simply lack the courage to put myself out there for everyone to see. But I have found myself on a couple of free sites and looked at profiles before and read the forums.
From what I can tell, women fall into two types who use these sites. Those who need constant attention from men and will do whatever to get it. I imagine they attach their self esteem to their ability to attract attention from random guys. Heck, I can't go to a college bar without some girl flashing me her boobs and kissing her best female friend, even though they could care less about me.
The second type is the shy type who can act out more online then they will in real life. They can be much sexually suggestive and crazy because it is safer.
Of course, most of these sites have like a 5 to 1 ratio men to women. I think you are better off going to some other interest community and getting to know the women there if you are looking online.
Firstly, how many profiles have you seen that say "must be a total jerk" or "must think with his penis?"
The group-shots appear to me as being a person who either lacks individuality or do not want to be identified.
One thing I hate is when people say that they are "people-oriented." Most people are. The only reason that is a defining characteristic is because I'm not.
The fact is, nothing short of a personal encyclopedia will accurately describe a person. From what I understand, eharmony has some kind of personality-type test. I imagine this is more efficient, but only to a point. The actual event itself is key. No patter how well-matched two people are, either one can completely screw things up with a few words in the wrong place.
Also, as previously mentioned, the internet can give people "digital courage" to act out more than usual. This includes me. So by that logic, it is better to meet people in person.
When I allow it to be
There's no control over me
I have my fears
But they do not have me
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