As far as finding a mate, the AS guy has a more difficult time. It's hard to be a good "salesman" of yourself when you have low self-esteem and a high fear of rejection. The woman (AS or NT) simply has to sit back and choose a suitor. Once a relationship is established, the playing field changes. Depending on the personalities and mental states, the relationship may succeed or fail for any number of reasons. Either person may not be able to deal with the other's habits, ticks, manners, etc. I've also noticed most women look at a guy as a "project" they can work on. They want to mold the loud, obnoxious, stubborn asshat into a "nice guy." On the other side of the coin, an AS guy is typically quiet, easygoing and reserved, and looked at as a "pushover" that does not required modification, conflict or drama. Typically, we are scuttled to the "friend zone" and later, into the past and forgotten.
...still plays with trucks