hyperlexian wrote:
glad to read you have some leads!
regarding the question of how to handle the situation of multiple dating partners... i don't know if very many women would be happy to find out afterward that the guy they are dating is also dating another woman, particularly if he is sleeping with her too.
but if you are open and honest with both of them, in that you are not serious about anything yet and want to get to know them better before settling down, they will probably be fine with that. nobody would expect exclusivity right out of the starting gate, but i think they may reasonably expect some degree of openness about your activities with other women.
Thanks for the feedback.
Regarding sex, see above ^^^
Given the long odds, I don't see any alternative to this approach - how many times have you heard "it's a numbers game"? This requires volume.
Also, at this stage I don't expect "exclusivity" from any of the woman I'm dating, it's way too early in the process to reasonably expect that...