I know that really, one should not wish to control another human being, but it looks like I may have to.
Last night I was talking to my GF and I soon found that she seemed a little well, you know, more clingy than I thought she was.
While I know that this is only due to the fact that I'm the first ever BF of her's not to treat her like dirt (as I have said in the past she has ADHD, although I oddly mistook it at first for AS although I think that she's still more than just OK in my book) as I actually really love her and all that, she's lately been asking me if I have had taken offence to anything that she may have said or done and has (more or less) begged me at one point NOT to dump her.
Now as it happens this is not the case, I love her, she has not nothing to upset or anger me in any way, in fact she's done her up most (oddly without me asking her) to be my own perfect woman, as she's been losing a lot of weight and more or less does not do any thing without seeking my approval first,
In spite of the fact that I don't really need her to this kind of thing at all. I must admit that I kinda like it!! !!
Don't get me wrong though, although I don't do all the BDSM stuff (whips, handcuffs and the like) I not only enjoy taking care of my GF, I also have in the past enjoyed doing this to my childhood sweethearts.
Ii would seem like that submissive (but I stress happy submissive) girls are my type then!
What I want to ask is that if she and I go down this road, will we be doing anything wrong (as I don't wish to harm her, or rather upset her) as I think that she may 'need' that kind of life style, abet in a emotional sense, rather than just due a need to be looked after and pampered (she likes that too)
If we do decide to go down that path I think it would be best to just try it out first but rather than just asking her flat out "Would you like me to be your lord and master?" (cos she may freak out) but rather get her into it slowly and see if she's ok with it.
Whatever way we go I hope that we'll be BOTH happy.
Goodbye Till Next Time