Hey all,
I've had a WP account for about 6 months now, but this is my long-overdue first post. Rather than subject you guys to another "hey, I'm new, gimme attention!!" thread, I have an actual question for you, particularly if you're a girl.
I'm a college student preparing to go to law school next fall, and I've been diagnosed with AS since I was a dinky little guy. I have very few evident symptoms these days (to the point where one friend of mine actually accused me of lying about having it. ha!), thanks to therapy in my grade school years and through life experience / social training from high school on. Essentially, the one major difference between myself and NTs is that I've learned body language/non-verbal communication, social skills, etc, through purely intellectual means, rather than it just clicking intuitively from day one.
I've lost a lot of weight over the last year and a half- I'm down to about 205 from 280 (I'm 6'1" if that helps). Obviously, this has drastically helped me in terms of dating compared to where I was before (read: zilch), but my residual shyness has limited my number of, er, romantic encounters over the last year. A big part of the problem is that I haven't been with quite enough girls to really get a firm sense of how good looking I am, or the type of girl I can realistically pursue. I know confidence is critical (mine ranges from average to not-so-great on any given day), but I at least want some idea of where I can start from a physical appearance standpoint.
It would be awesome if any girls here on WP could help me out; while I don't like the traditional 1-10 scale, it would be extremely helpful to me here haha. Any non-numerical comments are certainly appreciated, just don't be too mean
I turned 21 over the summer, but you'll see I don't quite look that old...
Taken a few weeks ago (I'm in the green hoodie):
Halloween 2010 (shirt and tie- I was Al Gore as portrayed in South Park haha):
Picture on my bio for the political blog I write for (http://spark.thepoliticizer.com/news/my ... -for-2011/ ..........
shameless plug, sorry hehe):
Taken this past spring:
Pre-weight loss...: