Wombat wrote:
Is it a "date" when a guy asks a girl out and they both get dressed in their best clothes and try to pretend that they are cooler than they really are?
Is it a "date" if I say to a girl at work "Some of us are going out for a drink. Do you want to come?"
What if I have been seeing a girl for a few months?
I call to say "Hey do you want me to bring around a video and some Chinese food?"
Is that a "date"?
What about the "rules" that say that you may or may not kiss on the first date but if you have three dates then it is time to have sex?
I would say that a 'date' is when you make a specific plan to do something (I think this usually involves going "out")
I would think the second situation as hanging out, or just a platonic social thing (unless you have interest in the co-worker, and then this could be a nice starting point to get to know her in a less intimidating way than a typical "date" (one on one)
The third situation could also count as a date, or it could be considered "hanging out"
I don't particularly subscribe to any dating "rules"...I think you should do what is comfortable for you and your date. That may involve a kiss on the first date, or not. I think sex after three dates is a bit early, but maybe that's just because I want to be sure the person I share my bed with deserves to be there, and is not just after sex...but that's just me!