Emotional Instability - help!
I've had a rocky few weeks. I initially entered a relationship with an NT friend of mine, only to break it off on 4 separate occasions during this time but each time I've "broken up" with him around 2 hours later (while we're still hanging out) all my feelings come back and I change my mind.
It's like for a time I'm totally into him, and logically I can think of so many reasons to be with him, but then these sudden bursts of complete disconnection randomly come over me and I become 100% convinced that the whole thing isn't right, and I must break up with him straight away (rather than perpetuating something that is wrong). But then after I've broken up with him the feelings come surging back and it's like I'm a completely different person, and I'm shocked and upset at myself but I can't understand what's going on.
He's been extremely patient about the whole thing, and he's said that to him it's what it is, and he doesn't mind how I label it (if I need to label everything) but I feel like I've been horrible to him and the guilt about my behaviour (which I don't understand one bit - surely either I like him or I don't) is getting to me. I was wondering if this has happened to others beside myself, and if anyone knows what this means, or how to deal with it.
Into the dark...
I can try to share my own story, which happened on the 23rd. If I can make you understand what happened to me, then you can decide if similar things might be happening to you. I'll try to be brief.
1. My father was the meanest rat that ever lived and he ruined all our Christmases until I was 17 (in 1967).
2. On Dec.23/2010, I managed to get airline tickets in Europe (snowbound) to reunite my cousin with her daughter. I found them and paid for them. It took about 6 hours. Now here's the part: the father had sent an email that he had bought the tickets, lost them, and told daughter to phone snowbound airport and ask them. This is typical passive-aggressive mean fatherly behaviour, just like my dad. Somewhere in all of that, I *projected* my own Christmases onto my cousin's daughter. I worked all night to get those tickets and by the time I was finished, I was enraged and wanted to get my hands on the father. Aha - see? I was doing the past and the present at the same time. I was doing the daughter, I was doing me at that age. etcetera.
Here's the good news - I found what I was doing. If you can find a projection and pull it back, then you are healed. And I am healed of the all the Christmases of my childhood and teen years. If I had not worked to find the projection, it would have stayed "out there" and I would have begun a life-long fight with her father, which is ridiculous and would ruin her family.
So there you have everything I can give you by way of "here's what happened to me, does any of it ring a bell with you?"
All the best - remember this time of year is very tense for a lot of people - even while it's happy.
It's like for a time I'm totally into him, and logically I can think of so many reasons to be with him, but then these sudden bursts of complete disconnection randomly come over me and I become 100% convinced that the whole thing isn't right, and I must break up with him straight away (rather than perpetuating something that is wrong). But then after I've broken up with him the feelings come surging back and it's like I'm a completely different person, and I'm shocked and upset at myself but I can't understand what's going on.
He's been extremely patient about the whole thing, and he's said that to him it's what it is, and he doesn't mind how I label it (if I need to label everything) but I feel like I've been horrible to him and the guilt about my behaviour (which I don't understand one bit - surely either I like him or I don't) is getting to me. I was wondering if this has happened to others beside myself, and if anyone knows what this means, or how to deal with it.
Not to make light of this post.. but you can logically think of reasons to be with anyone. Almost every single person on this earth has something you can relate to.. whether directly, or indirectly. But that doesn't mean that we have chemistry, or that we have the same view points. I.E. There are so many people who play video games online like I do, but are jackasses.
You either feel secure, happy and content being with him or you don't. Think about the reasons that you want to break up with him.. I mean, be as honest, as ruthless and as tactless as possible. Not wanting to be with a person is a major change, guilt trips are NOT a good or healthy reason to stay with anyone and lead to heartache.
Also consider why the heck you think about getting back together about someone you've broken it off with and doing it every time it happens. If its loneliness, you should stay separated.
Unfortunately the biggest problem when you want to end it with someone who you want to remain friends with is-- You start talking with them as a friend and you are reminded all of the things you love about them, but when you get back together you realize that while that was good for a friendship its not enough for a relationship and end it again.
This is why most do not get into relationships with people they want to remain friends with.
I don't think I can help you very much, but I can totally relate to how you're feeling because I do exactly the same thing. I think it's a really challenging thing caused by my AS.
I don't really understand my "feelings" at all, at least not the way that NT people do. I kind of have to try and understand them in words using reason and logic to try and explain them and once I do, I can say things to myself like "I must be in love", and then I act accordingly.
The problem is that my understanding is always changing, and this causes me to have "thought swings" which look to other people like "mood swings" because one minute I'm "in love" and then I think about it a little more and decide "I'm not in love, it must be something else".
I've really hurt some people this way, and I think it's probably my biggest barrier to having a stable relationship.
I kind of think the underlying feelings I have don't change though, so I'm trying to make up my mind about them and stick to it no matter what I think later.
I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe you should dig down inside yourself and decide once and for all whether you want to be in this relationship and then stick with your decision no matter what your head tells you later. Then just let things run their natural course just like they do with NT people (I suppose)
I hope this makes some sense and maybe even be helpful.
Good luck!
Thankyou everyone. Claradoon, your first message is very helpful. I definitely have a tendency to do this, and I could see that it may be fueling some of the issues.
Grisha I think you've summed up the problem neatly. I can be very hurtful, but I can't seem to help it. I keep trying to make that final decision and stick with it, but each time I have broken it off with him I have been certain that that has been my final decision, and I have been determined to stick with it, but seemingly against my will I have found myself in his arms again (so to speak) every time. Maybe this means that I am meant to be with him (as I can't seem to not be with him atm lol my decision is sort of made for me).
Yes, if I have learned anything in the last month or so it's that love and attachment are not logical and can not be controlled like other things.
Into the dark...
I don't really understand my "feelings" at all, at least not the way that NT people do. I kind of have to try and understand them in words using reason and logic to try and explain them and once I do, I can say things to myself like "I must be in love", and then I act accordingly.
The problem is that my understanding is always changing, and this causes me to have "thought swings" which look to other people like "mood swings" because one minute I'm "in love" and then I think about it a little more and decide "I'm not in love, it must be something else".
I've really hurt some people this way, and I think it's probably my biggest barrier to having a stable relationship.
I kind of think the underlying feelings I have don't change though, so I'm trying to make up my mind about them and stick to it no matter what I think later.
I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe you should dig down inside yourself and decide once and for all whether you want to be in this relationship and then stick with your decision no matter what your head tells you later. Then just let things run their natural course just like they do with NT people (I suppose)
I hope this makes some sense and maybe even be helpful.
Good luck!

You've described my problems perfectly - this is exactly what I do - and good advice. I've been in a long term relationship and basically the relationship worked because I knew that my underlying feeling was that I liked being with my partner and I had to let go of any expectations of how love should be because I guess I'm not really going to know what love feel likes because I don't really know what other emotions feel like either. Maybe this problem is alexthymia???
Do you have abandonment issues? Sounds like you are shoving him away and wanting to see if he will still stick around? Or maybe you are tired and afraid of being alone, or you don't want to risk that you are making a mistake by rejecting him?
I don't know you that well. It could be really anything. Do you really like him in that way or don't you? I think if you are being truthful with yourself, then you know the answer to that question. Good luck either way.
I can't either!
Makes me wonder if it's even morally right for me to date at all sometimes...

You know what? This is why I don't date anymore. I've decided I just cannot seem to learn the proper way to do it and not hurt people. Excellent summary, Grisha.
It's like for a time I'm totally into him, and logically I can think of so many reasons to be with him, but then these sudden bursts of complete disconnection randomly come over me and I become 100% convinced that the whole thing isn't right, and I must break up with him straight away (rather than perpetuating something that is wrong). But then after I've broken up with him the feelings come surging back and it's like I'm a completely different person, and I'm shocked and upset at myself but I can't understand what's going on.
He's been extremely patient about the whole thing, and he's said that to him it's what it is, and he doesn't mind how I label it (if I need to label everything) but I feel like I've been horrible to him and the guilt about my behaviour (which I don't understand one bit - surely either I like him or I don't) is getting to me. I was wondering if this has happened to others beside myself, and if anyone knows what this means, or how to deal with it.
Maybe you just need a less serious relationship with him, or one where you spend less time together. I could see myself going through cycles like you are if it were either a completely platonic relationship, or a very close one.
And I'd actually prefer to be in a relationship with someone like you who is unsure than one who is sure she either does or doesn't want a relationship, as I feel most women are too decided to give me room to grow and figure out what I want from a relationship.
I found that when things first started out with my boyfriend it helped that we didn't put labels on things. Don't feel like you have to be in love, just take things one day at a time and make sure he knows where you're coming from. For me, the question I asked myself isn't whether I love someone (it's a horribly confusing term in the first place) but whether I was happy being with him and if I was then it was worth continuing. People here actually gave me some amazing advice about new-relationship-stress a couple of years ago when I first joined.

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That sounds really annoying, as if you guys have good chemistry on one side but at the same time there's something - which you don't know what - that repels you once you're back in
I hate to break this to you but, this is pretty much the ledge where reason ends and instinct/subconscious begins. You can try rationally talking your core and trying to get your instincts in check but I really doubt that it will have any impact. If you think this feeling is something temporary that could disappear once you know what it is, great, stick with it. If not, I don't know if this is something you can actually change.

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^This. Really great advice, @Gremmie. You don't have to decide where the relationship is going, OP. You've only been with this guy a few weeks....at this point, I think your only concern should be whether the relationship is enjoyable enough to continue - until the next time you see him. It seems like you're trying to answer questions about this relationship than can only be answered by allowing the relationship to grow and develop. Please try to be as patient with yourself as your bf has been (most people don't stick around after the second break-up, hon....they tend to believe that you really do want the relationship to end.)
What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful...
It's like for a time I'm totally into him, and logically I can think of so many reasons to be with him, but then these sudden bursts of complete disconnection randomly come over me and I become 100% convinced that the whole thing isn't right, and I must break up with him straight away (rather than perpetuating something that is wrong). But then after I've broken up with him the feelings come surging back and it's like I'm a completely different person, and I'm shocked and upset at myself but I can't understand what's going on.
He's been extremely patient about the whole thing, and he's said that to him it's what it is, and he doesn't mind how I label it (if I need to label everything) but I feel like I've been horrible to him and the guilt about my behaviour (which I don't understand one bit - surely either I like him or I don't) is getting to me. I was wondering if this has happened to others beside myself, and if anyone knows what this means, or how to deal with it.
This all seems to be causing a lot of stress for you.
The fact that he's patient with you may make things all that more difficult. If he wasn't, he'd be making the decision for you. Because he's patient, it makes me want to tell you that he's a keeper.
Here's the thing. You are feeling stress and anxiety in this new relationship. It might be easy to blame the stress on the relationship itself. Or worse, blame it on him. But you really need to stop and think hard. I mean really think. Is the stress really being caused by the relationship? Or is the stress a result of the emotional baggage and the relationship is only triggering the stress and anxiety?
I have a feeling that ending the relationship will only bring temporary relief. Until you deal with the baggage, the stress and anxiety will come out in other forms, or come out when the next guy comes along.
Finally, put yourself in his shoes. He really is there for you.
Of course, I could be wrong so don't take my word unless you feel it has some merit.
Thanks everyone as always for the advice.
Update is that things are going very well. I agree that it was definitely emotional baggage and preconceptions/perseverance on my part (I knew all along the problem was with me and not with him) and I think I've finally managed to overcome it. Spent a whole lot of time with him and I didn't break up with him once ( ), plus I didn't want to either. I think part of the problem for me was also the unexpected shake-up and not being used to giving myself over to my emotions, plus most of the other reasons everybody listed above also applied in some way.
I know now that I'm in this for the long haul (I've made the ultimate decision to do this, and I know I won't be turning back), I know what kind of person he is and the biggest mistake I could make would be walking away from this. He has been so good to me and there is so much I admire about him, plus I truly enjoy his company. That being said, I am not sure that I am worthy of him but I will do everything in my power to become so and I won't give up now that I have chosen this road.
Into the dark...