I get these:
So cute!
You're beautiful.
Isn't she beautiful? (...said to someone else when I was right there)
You have such a cute little body.
Nice legs.
I hardly ever get called "pretty" (other than from my mom). I'm not that gorgeous. I don't try to make myself look especially different...my makeup, hair, and clothes aren't anything special. I don't look like anyone, including the other women my age. I don't have the typical "look" that the other girls have. A male friend of mine told me once that guys are very attracted to me and each of them is attracted to something the other one's are not. If I sound full of myself, I'm sorry for that.
Whenever I get a compliment on my appearance, I have learned to smile and say "thank you" and then turn the conversation back to them. I do this by picking some quality on the complimentor; an article of clothing, eyes, hair, jewelery, anything that looks nice and that they might be proud of. Then I compliment them on their quality so that the conversation doesn't settle on me and how I look. It just makes me uncomfortable. When you return the compliment, you can usually get yourself a whole new conversation. It's weird how that works. I hate having to return the compliment, but it saves me a lot of anxiety.