I adore dancing!! ! When I was in my 20's, this is the only reason I went out to clubs. The experience for me is so relaxing. Most people find me odd though when I dance, but I don't care! I will go out to dance, and for me...that is the reason I am there. Not to make new friends (I go with someone I already am friends with)...not to drink...not to pick up guys...just DANCE! I actually go almost into a trance-like state when I am listening to music, and I just let my body do what it feels like doing. Most, if not all of the time I go dancing, I like to find myself an area where I can move around a lot (I like to move my arms around, both to feel free, and also to keep random dudes at bay), and I always dance with my eyes closed. I really love to feel the music thru me, and find that by shutting out everything else, I can experience total freedom, almost as if I'm flying. Sometimes if I go out with more than one person, I will often find myself dancing alone while the others drink, or talk, but as long as they are still close in proximity, I don't mind dancing alone on a dance floor at all...I don't ever care that people look at me alone out there, and what they must think...they have NO idea the kind of freedom and joy I'm experiencing, and everything else is secondary.
Women are mostly catty about it because they don't understand or think I'm a weirdo, but I've found that they are simply jealous because a lot of men will usually gather near me to watch me. I can't help that! I'm not trying to steal anyone's boyfriend...they just like to watch me dance...I've never known anything different than this.