In my first relationships, I couldnt tell, because of me not knowing myself. I tried to act normal but failed, and then decided to give up on that relationship thing.
Later on, when a friend, knowing me, "pushed" me into an relationship with him I didnt tell (Didnt still know it at the beginning.), but I didnt hide my issue as well. So what he saw, was what he got, and it was as well not that problem as before, because of him knowing me anyway for about a yeare before as normal friends, so he know I was weird. When it was later about kids and marriage, I did tell him, because when its about a partner that you see right in front of him, you dont need a label to know if you like that or not. But when its about kids, I think he should know, that my kind of weirdness, is inheritable.
I think as long as you dont hide your quirkiness, there is no need to tell someone that there is a spacial label for it. I am not a brand clothing, so either you like the shirt you see, or you dont like it, it doesnt depend whats label it is.