Kiran wrote:
so basically what you are saying is that all women are shallow and materialistic beings who only care about muscles and money. You must be really popular with the ladies...
I remember that someone asked in another thread why they were so few women in the L&D forum. I tell you why: the general mysoginy in here.
I think aspies have a harder time because of lack of superficial qualities. NT woman do not appear to like it when talks about these things. Once I said, 'hope to be come more eligible'. One of my workmates said, "eligible for what?" having more money helps in the dating game.
Her response was "I didn't hear that one before??".
It is easier to say "being a poor man is like being an ugly woman" and let them think about what beauty means to them. Yes, many ugly woman/ poor men over compensate for with charm but if they don't have charm, then approaching dating with a so called healthy attitude isn't good enough. What would you expect a ugly girl who is approaching 40 ,who never found anyone to love, to do, Read a book on" HOW TO FIND LOVE !AGAIN! AFTER 40" or go on the same way, with the easiest years behind her, hoping something will change in future. Perhaps wisdom, that comes with old age, will help her find love.