I don't wish the dating game or marriage to not exist. But I wish the dating game was more open and honest, instead of this deceptive Salsa-dance thing that so many people go for, playing hard to get, deliberately provoking jealousy just to get a response, etc. If somebody wants to test my commitment or courage, I don't see why they can't just tell me that's what they're doing....otherwise all they're going to discover is how much I used to want them before they showed how dishonest and uncaring they could be, and how much they've destroyed by being so underhand.
As for marriage, I think it's a nice way for a couple to tell the world that they're committed to each other. It gives a little bit of protection from would-be predators, even though the law these days won't back you up, apart from selling you a divorce if you should want one. But I don't think it's necesssary.......if a couple care about each other properly, ceremonies and bits of paper don't really make any difference. And there's some financial danger for the man if the courts get involved with the division of the assets, unless you get a pre-nuptual agreement to counter the assumption that each party should have 50% of the total goodies. On the plus side, if one of you dies, the surviving spouse is likely to get pension rights, while the unmarried live-in partner probably won't.