I've been lowering my standards ever since puberty kicked in. At first, I was feeling hopeful, and tried going for the best-looking girls. As I kept getting rejected, I lowered my standards farther and farther. Now I reached a point where I go for only unattractive-looking and/or overweight ones. This strategy worked out extremely well, and as a result, nearly all of my first times were with an overweight or unattractive girl. This includes the first date ever and the first kiss ever. Well, the girl who took my virginity was actually really hot, but she was an escort. I've reached a point where all the hot girls have no appeal to me whatsoever, like mannequins in a clothing store. Sure, they're nice to look at, but haven't gone near one in years. (The major exception to that was during my recent trip to Israel. I had no choice there; all the girls I saw looked good. So when I went clubbing, I ended up dancing with them, and they were so friendly, I was amazed.)
But let's leave the Promised Land memory lane, and get back to the real world. In conclusion, lowering your standard is not bad at all. I repeat, it's not bad. It's a harsh necessity.