Mikelight wrote:
I find that I can get along well with a number of different types of women, however there is a problem with actually being in a relationship. When women find out what my special interest is they label me a man-child and any hope of of dating is immediately put out.
My special interest is video games, I view the single player ones as equivalent to books in that I'm looking for a well thought out and paced story with well developed characters. I view the multiplayer ones as a chance to get some competition that can require a lot of planning and thinking on your feet.
It is something I really enjoy but over the years I've learned to give it the proper place. I hold a job, I have a car, I do what's necessary to further my career. I place friends and family far above the games in importance. Maybe if I had fishing, football, reading(which it actually had been in the past), or history as a special interest I wouldn't get so much disdain. However any young lady around my age just views it as something childish. How can I find acceptance for something that is an undeniable part of my life?
Yea, many girls of the late 20s find it childish. To many gamer = child or = geek or = non-social .....all bad stigmas.
Do you have any other hobby/interest? just talk about this other hobbies/interests and just selectively forget about gaming.
It's not necessary to mention it. They won't care when they fall for you.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 25 Feb 2011, 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.