wefunction wrote:
What do you want from this situation? Is he someone that you really want in your life? These lengthy time periods just to figure out if he wants you... is that acceptable to you? Do you really want to be chasing him down to ask questions, pinning him down to get answers, and constantly be made to feel like you're not the first priority? Remember, you're not going to change him. Getting him to love you doesn't mean that you "win" anything or that he still won't make you the last thing he thinks about. Getting him to love you isn't the only way to tell if you're worthy of love. Please analyze what you have already been through, how his behavior has been, and if this is something that is truly something that you want in your life. You have to make decisions for you, not wait for someone else to make those decisions.
This is not the happiest of advice and I'm sorry, but I see you puppy-dogging him because he is a mystery wrapped in a riddle and that's not acceptable to me. You're clinging to someone who can't figure out if he loves the woman he had impregnated without having a month to work it out on paper. I don't care if he's an aspie. This isn't an aspie/nt problem. You need to find someone who actually cares about you.
Basically, I am in too many situations where I will have to see him. So, I'm trying to co-exist with him. The last talk and reaching this point has actually calmed me down. The full silent treatment and then seeing him during that period was shutting me down. I have moved on to OK Cupid and talked to some very nice guys