pschristmas wrote:
There's absolutely nothing wrong; the age difference is not large enough for there to be significant differences in your life experiences and maturity. The only obstacle would be the arbitrary legal one, so for her legal protection, you will want to wait until you are 18 -- or whatever is the legal age of consent where you're living -- before having sex.
You really have to check the age of consent laws in your state or country. Some U.S. states have the age of consent set at 16 (though 18 is a nationwide legal limit to appear in porn). Many other states have close in age exemptions where a 1-2 year difference does not trigger the age of consent issues, precisely so that your situation would be legal, while the much creepier 30 year old banging a 15 year old would be illegal.\
Edit: according to wikipedia (
link), the age of consent in singapore is 16 for heterosexual and lesbian sex.