Imagine an android that could look like any of the hottest supermodels around (Interchangeable face plates) , provide mindblowing condom-free sex, cook, clean, know and say key subroutines that press male emotional buttons (appreciation, affection, etc), do therapeutic/erotic massage, not have PMS, never get addicted to booze or pills, not assrape you in divorce court, not make you buy new furniture every year, not cheat on you because she is bored, not tell you "let's just be friends", not get old and wrinkly, not get fat or run up your credit card...
Pretty f*****g awesome if you ask me.
If they were priced at the cost of cars with a financing plan, then a lot of men would by them and opt out of the sexual marketplace (the dating landscape) since they can get what they really came for (physical pleasure and emotional validation) right at home.
Obviously there would be economic winners and losers.
*Plastics manufacturers
*Primarily male demographic hobby industries (no human wife or gf means more disposable income!)
*Men who are Pickup artists, players, cads, etc.: This is because more men would be off the dating market. The women would have fewer options and increased desperation if they are looking for a committed longterm relationship, needless to say guys will have less incentive for a long term relationship since they will have more options because of less competition from other men.
*Pet Adoptions will go up.
*Surrogates/Test Tube baby industry
*Bridal Industry: Fewer and fewer marriages since men will have less and less reasons to get married.
*Divorce lawyers
*Human prostitution: Don't be surprised to see robot brothels.
*Non-prostitution escort services: The human-appearing android can provide the social proof a person needs at a company party.
*Bars: Fewer people looking to go out to get laid.
*Nightclubs: See above
*Mortgage/Home loan lenders: Lots of guys really wouldn't get that big ass house if the wife didn't want it.
*Furniture: See above
*Restaurants: Why go out when you have a chef at home?
I wouldn't be surprised to see the issue of human/robot marriage come up along with the issue of human/robot couples adopting.
The dating landscape would be a lot easier for a lot of men (and women) since the pressure for sex (ability to trade off on the promise of sex) is gone.