Laz wrote:
Daemonic-Jackal wrote:
ToadOfSteel wrote:
There is nobody for me to meet in person though... online seems to be a last resort, but it's still the only resort for someone like me...
Shut up and start trying for once instead of constantly moaning about the problem and have no intention of attempting to do something about it (same goes the other guys in here saying similar things)
Free Dating sites are a waste of time because the majority of women on there either are not what they portray themselves to be or have their standards too high and/or are just completely up themselves (not realising that's the reason half of them have ended up on there in the first place)
If you want someone that badly get out into the real world and start pursuing.
Perhaps rather than being critical of others you should share your success stories and the ways in which you pursued your endevours that lead to a successful outcome? It would be more beneficial for people to read of such experiances, it would be more positve and it would be more compassionate then simply telling people to STFU and tell them to do something they clearly are having a problem with. Do you go up to people in wheel chairs and tell them to stop being so lazy and walk like the rest of us? You do realise your on a forum full of autistic spazz's we arn't here for the colour scheme thats for sure
I for one am encapsulated and enthralled and beeming with anticipiation to hear how the undiscovered playa of wrong planet mr Daemonic Jackal has got his mack on with the ladies of the greater manchester area.
If you are going to resort to being a patronising prick just because I've said something you don't like you can STFU as well (as you so nicely put it) I don't consider myself that successful when it comes to women I always get badly burned once I'm in relationships but I don't let that it stop me trying again and again until hopefully I might meet mrs right one day. That's the difference between me and a lot of others on here, I don't let the bad experiences I've had completely effect the rest of my life. Tell you what maybe I'll stop posting on here, as I'm clearly not 'Aspie enough' to fit in.
Comparing someone who doesn't even try (not trying being the key factor here, not being unsuccessful but making no attempt to help change the situation) to pursue anyone they might be interested, to someone who is cursed to a wheelchair is absolutely moronic as the person trapped in the wheelchair cannot change their situation.
Some people on here also need to stop using their Autism as an excuse for all of their problems in their lives, it doesn't stop me doing anything that I want to do in my life, and I'm sure there are others on here who could do the same if they bothered to put the effort in.