ive had a really hard time in relatonships especially after i spent 6yrs in a devoted relationship that i chose to leave
i find it hard to find people to associate......i dont drink, dont like noisy crowded areas
id rather go for coffee and talk ........but then i like to be able to talk and not be heard by everyone either
im so lonely these days ive been treated like crap on line by guys
last guy i like i had backed away for bout 3mnths now he seems to busy to talk
im young in the way i act but i have strong morals and standards
im thinker not a doer like to do things to excercise my brain like play games or do crafts anything detail oriented
i dont like too much physical activity this is one real weakness of mine but i do get out and walk when its not too hot and i have things i need to do
well there i am ........lonely and single with a purrfect roommate ....<my cat> hehe
if youd like to contact me PM is best or email me too
my mind is like a hamster wheel