Co-Dependency is when you are dependent on people who are dependent on you. My first marriage was a Co-Dependent marriage. I was a nurturer, very independent yet needed to be with someone, and on some wacky mission to change this person. He was an alcoholic, he beat me, but I saw "potential", and if he would only follow my guidelines we could have a great marriage, house, kids, picket fence. I would save him....if he would only stop drinking. We worked, I took care of him, gave him a home, money in the bank, he was supported, and he was my companion, and we shared the bills, he kept me from being lonely, he was the person in which to revolve my life around....I knew I could do better, I stayed anyway. That's Co Dependent.
Love is what I have now. I do not take care of him, he does not take care of me, we take care of each other. He could live without me and I could live without him, but neither of us "want" that. Our life isn't revolved around our problems, it revolves around our life, our family and what we both want out of our life. I don't do things for him just because he wants it, I do it because I love him, and I can say no if I can't do it and I won't feel guilty or inadequate, we talk, compromise, agree, ...the same goes for him with me. We share our lives, we don't control or nag each other in order to "change" the person, we don't have to take care of each other, we exist and live "together" yet, we are ourselves.
Read "Co-Dependent No More". I can't remember who it was by, but it was a good book.