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23 Apr 2011, 8:24 am

I see it all the time, some girl profiles are decorated with 5, 7, 10 awards!! Yet they don't give back any award to their 'fans'.

Those Awards reflect appreciation of a specific trait: looks, intelligence, level of interest ...etc

I recall I decided to give an award to a girl I knew for years once , it was perfect mix or something, she accepted the award but she replied "thanks , no award fits you so no award for you" :roll: , I found this very rude and I regretted for giving her the award in the first place. If she finds no quality (zero..nothing..nil) in me to appreciate then it would better to just reject the award.

And you guys....stop giving awards left and right so randomly, it's a pathetic call for attention.

If a guy decides to express an appreciation for a specific trait in a girl, then he probably knows the girl for a while (online or IRL), if such appreciation isn't mutual in any form then what's the point of this one-sided appreciation? It's like you always give birthday gifts every time to your friend but he gives you none. I would expect some mutual gesture in that case.

Why those girls would accept them in that case?
or do girls always like to accept them just to make their profile 'richer' regardless of what they really think of the givers?

Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 23 Apr 2011, 9:07 am, edited 2 times in total.


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23 Apr 2011, 8:27 am

Laz gave me one once. I think he fancies me.

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23 Apr 2011, 8:28 am

Moog wrote:
Laz gave me one once. I think he fancies me.

Maybe he's a gay in the closet.


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23 Apr 2011, 8:32 am

I think your problem there Boo is that you've given expecting to recieve something in return, and not got it. Give to give, and no problem.

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23 Apr 2011, 8:45 am

^ I am not Christian. :P
And I only offered 2 awards during all this time. I don't do these randomly.


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23 Apr 2011, 9:05 am

What she said was rude but you shouldn't expect anything back. She should have just said thanks for the award.


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23 Apr 2011, 9:22 am

I haven't gotten any awards yet :cry: :P


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23 Apr 2011, 9:23 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I recall I decided to give an award to a girl I knew for years once , it was perfect mix or something, she accepted the award but she replied "thanks , no award fits you so no award for you" :roll: , I found this very rude and I regretted for giving her the award in the first place. If she finds no quality (zero..nothing..nil) in me to appreciate then it would better to just reject the award.

What a piece...

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
And you guys....stop giving awards left and right so randomly, it's a pathetic call for attention.

Like stars I think its only worthwhile if you aren't really *that* interested but still want to compliment her style. If she ends up thinking its your 'weak' way of showing interest - awesome, if she says anything negative to that effect block her and if she never shares that she took it that way, no one knows or cares I guess. The most annoying part in all of this is that we aren't allowed to show support or cheer each other on, just be 'human', without it being seen as interest from a weak-willed weak-minded person. I say break the rules and award whoever you want, just write it the right way so it doesn't look like you're pining.

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23 Apr 2011, 10:56 am

My okcupid experience was short but eventful
Lightheartedly gave a girl an award in one of my more shallow moments a week or so after joining, totally based on her looks. Thought nothing further of it as it was just a silly "award" and she was all of 19 and in my reality too young.

Then got a message from her thanking me for it and something flirty which i cant remember" I replied back something like "if i thought i had a chance i prolly would have made more of a nuisance of myself..."

Got a reply back, flirty again "You prolly should have. Im seeing someone at the moment, but if that doesnt work out maybe we could go out and see if we click"

So i was a bit gobsmacked, but also wary because i believe if you're seeing someone you're off the market.

I messaged her saying that i wouldnt contact her as she was seeing someone, but if she found herself single at some point id be happy to catch up for a coffee"

Got a reply back, a bit sh***y really, saying that "she wasnt in a relationship, that it was onyl a few dates with this guy"

But for me it was very reminiscent of the only date ive been on where the girl was also a liar and was seeing someone at the time we went out. I never went on a second date with her because she was playing games, and i cant stand that

I have no tolerance for lying at all, so i stopped communicating with okcupid girl and closed my account, not just because of her, but as i looked through profiles, i noticed there were a LOT of people on there whos status was "seeing someone", and like i said, i consider seeing someone means you arent active on a fricking dating site :)

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23 Apr 2011, 11:53 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I recall I decided to give an award to a girl I knew for years once , it was perfect mix or something, she accepted the award but she replied "thanks , no award fits you so no award for you" :roll: , I found this very rude and I regretted for giving her the award in the first place. If she finds no quality (zero..nothing..nil) in me to appreciate then it would better to just reject the award.

Maybe she meant "no award fits you" in a 'you broke the mold' sense? (ie. 'these stupid awards don't fully describe how cool you are, so I can't really give you one'?) Granted, I'm not too familiar with how these OkCupid awards work and have a dangerous habit of assuming the best about people, but that is how I read it the first time I looked at your post.


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23 Apr 2011, 1:30 pm

For those not on OKCupid, a bit of background? I'm getting the impression that these things are like pokemon badges...

"thanks , no award fits you so no award for you"

Hm... sounds more like a 'cute and quirky heeheehee' reply. What are the particular awards? Maybe she meant it as a compliment (no, I wouldn't have taken it as one either)?


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23 Apr 2011, 1:33 pm

Lene wrote:
For those not on OKCupid, a bit of background? I'm getting the impression that these things are like pokemon badges...

"thanks , no award fits you so no award for you"

Hm... sounds more like a 'cute and quirky heeheehee' reply. What are the particular awards? Maybe she meant it as a compliment (no, I wouldn't have taken it as one either)?

There is no 'Lebanese Sizzler' award on OKcupid

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23 Apr 2011, 1:48 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
What she said was rude but you shouldn't expect anything back. She should have just said thanks for the award.

I agree with hale.

Although blueroses and Lene make very good points.


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23 Apr 2011, 2:09 pm

Moog wrote:
Laz gave me one once. I think he fancies me.

I'm such a hoe I'll give anyone an award

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23 Apr 2011, 2:15 pm

blueroses wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I recall I decided to give an award to a girl I knew for years once , it was perfect mix or something, she accepted the award but she replied "thanks , no award fits you so no award for you" :roll: , I found this very rude and I regretted for giving her the award in the first place. If she finds no quality (zero..nothing..nil) in me to appreciate then it would better to just reject the award.

Maybe she meant "no award fits you" in a 'you broke the mold' sense? (ie. 'these stupid awards don't fully describe how cool you are, so I can't really give you one'?) Granted, I'm not too familiar with how these OkCupid awards work and have a dangerous habit of assuming the best about people, but that is how I read it the first time I looked at your post.

I think you make a good point there.

However, I also think she sucks at giving compliments.


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23 Apr 2011, 2:22 pm

MCalavera wrote:
However, I also think she sucks at giving compliments.

Maybe she's an aspie.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Put down the club please. :o