outofplace wrote:
Only two things will fix this: Time and distance.
This is true.
A few years ago, I met a girl that I truly liked. I can attest that it really wasn't a silly-teenager thing. But, that's not the point. It's a bit complicated, so I won't go through it entirely. All that needs to be said is that I never asked her out. (In fact, I wonder if she even knew that I liked her.) In the end, she moved across the country. We were still Facebook friends, but there was no communication. I sent a few messages (
only two, I'm not a stalker) and tried to chat a couple times, but she never responded. I got the hint and stopped trying to communicate with her. I have no idea why - maybe she just didn't want to speak to me. Either way, that was the end of it. I could never figure it out - she was always such warm, kind, and friendly in person - but I had to realize that it was over.
I knew that I would, very likely, never see her again in my life and would have to get on with my life.
But I knew that there would be a period of "getting over" her - and that it would not be pleasant. That's it. Eventually it was all right - but that took a long time for me.
I wish I could tell you some tricks, tips, or activities that would help, but I don't know of anything specific. I just dove deeper into my interests (books, writing, philosophy, literature, and the rest of them). It didn't make anything go away, but it made things better. I guess, for me, just watching a good film or show helped too.
EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention that family can help a lot too - if you're close to them. In my case, though they weren't aware of how the whole thing affected me, they helped the whole process a lot. It's hard for me to explain, but it was just being close to them.