RECLUSE SEEKS COMPANY... (online or real life)
I'm looking for a friend with common interests or lifestyles... I'm not posting this message to incur the boards criticism or distaste for my opinions or lifestyle choices. I am attempting to reach out to people honestly, in hopes of perhaps moving past the banal arguments and social distortions of my existence, and clarify that social existence by well, finally becoming social... I do not expect an identical match on the list below..
I would like to meet someone who:
1. is preferably a woman because I already have a surplus of male friends, about 3..
2. prefers to lead their life as minimalist as they can, for me this is using as little money as I can and adopting methods to avoid the use of money.
3. prefers to use free stuff where it is available, free food, free clothes, free housing, free music, free books, free everything.
4. is uneducated but self-educated and enjoys conversations about philosophy, personal theoretics, economics, politics, history, sociology, art and art theory, sexuality, of the far left or postleft persuasion..
5. is socially conscious, and socially conscious enough to endorse revolution before activism, and economic separation (anarchism and communism, though not limited to those two archane orientations) over economic integration..
6. is not a moralist, and does not hold illogical notions about drugs, sex, violence, the law, or religion.
7. enjoys laughing about the base and crude rediculousness of the world around us, enjoys satire, sarcasm, and offending the light-minded..
8. likes to drink or use drugs for what I'll call "spiritual enhancement"..
9. thrives in conflict, leads their life as an agitator, and enjoys stiring up reaction to dissolve or deconstruct the loosely fabricated and arbitrary conditions and convictions of our society.
10. enjoys art and persues it in their daily life, either as an obsessive interest or as a form of expression, but as a choosen mode of personal interaction with the world, or as visionary application of the world they wish to create.. someone who may have been inspired by the situationists, or any number of things inspired by the situationists, a person who is looking to superseed the limitations of society and imagination through the socialization of art theory and practice.
11. (not to sound overly intellectualized or pompus) has read atleast one of the following books and have been personally effected by it, either changing the way they life or the way they interpret the world around them.. society of the spectacle by guy debord, the communist manifesto or das capital by karl marx, temporary autonomous zone by hakim bey, steal this book or f**k the system by abbie hoffman (though out of context today, I feel the "freegan" perspective will never lose context)
12. doesn't care about the trivialities of consumerism nor attribute their existence to the material wealth or a commodity function.
13. hates work and works as little as they possibly can.
14. prefers the rural to the city or avoids the limiting their socialization to a commodified landscape and manipulated situation (bars, schools, workplace, stores, etc.)... though I understand this is a grey area, because the internet itself could be interpreted as a controlled and commodified landscape, I find the lack of superficial integration removes the arbitrary premise of conventional socialization..
15. prefers the night to the day.
16. doesn't drive or drives as little as they can.
17. lives in north america.
18. is polyamorous.. or is curious about polyamory..
my personal goal in life is to end the use of money (not without reason). if anyone decides to contact me, i don't mind agnosticism concerning this goal, but please don't discount my goal as impossible. I have spent my life reducing the amount I spend and evolving alternative methods of urban survival and will continue to persue these aims on into the future, into creating a free space habitat, with alternative energy, and a fully activated free economy..
I am a self-diagnosed aspie who mostly keeps to himself, I am 23 and from rural canada. I am almost entirely self-educated and unemployed and desire to remain unemployed. I enjoy documenting free space and designing unitary alternative uses for that space, I like to write fiction and poetry and keep daily journal... I like to sleep til noon or longer and stay up all night, I prefer to only go outside at night, I don't know how to drive and don't ride in cars, I avoid cities and crowds and noise at all cost.. I smoke marijuana daily and drink ritualistically, I am a a-typically spiritual person, but spiritual none the less, my main influences have been from far-left or postleft or post structuralist sources, though I feel I have a very eclectic and polarized understanding of most subjects I am interested in... I am polyamorous and bisexual, though I only like to involve men in sex with a woman (3-some), I am not looking for a homosexual relationship, as is probably obvious, I am fairly free spirited and unconventional. I have no friends in my daily life and though this may not yeild any friends, what could it hurt?
my msn is [email protected]
feel free to add me, and I look forward to meeting someone..
3. prefers to use free stuff where it is available, free food, free clothes, free housing, free music, free books, free everything.
So, in other words, you want a woman who does not exist.
hah, I'm not trying to be demanding or a control freak, I am just a little eccentric, and rather than waste my time on people who will just end up offended by my lifestyle choices or opinions, I was looking for some compatibility.. too often in my life I havent been forward enough about who I am or what I believe or how I live, only to be rejected when I am honest. I never expected an exact match to those 18 points, just some commonality, it was merely a simple overview of who I feel I would be most compatible with, using my own social history and interactions. there may not be MANY people out there who have things in common with me, nor was I ever so naive as to believe there were, but I am not convinced I am all alone, in any or all of these 18 points..
That's quite a list you have there. Are you sure all of them are really necessary for compatibility? A lot of what makes up a good friend/relationship is acceptance of views or attitudes contrary to your own.
Also, I would say something about your lifestyle choices, and how hypocritical and contradictory they are... but you did say that wasn't how you wanted the thread to turn out. So I'll keep my mouth shut.
I dont see anything wrong with saying who you are and hoping to meet someone with similiar beliefs or someone who excepts and respects those beliefs.....who doesnt want this from life?My bias is because I did the same thing and found someone who I have been with for four years,couldnt be happier.So nice not to argue about things all the time or have someone trying to change me.Personally I prefer this approach to the standard...."love going on long walks on the beach and seeing movies....."(yeah,you and the other 90% of humanity...)Statistically...given the % of people who use this site,are looking for a relationship and are female....odds are against finding someone...but does that mean you shouldnt try"What do you have to lose....?My only advice(if you havent tried already)Is to broadon your pool of options outside the aspie community....lots of people with "aspie traits" that you may relate to,never get a DX.Good luck.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
Visit my wool sculpture blog
Btw, if you're hoping to not use money, try reading about Theodore Kaczynski's time spent in the wild, before he started mailing out bombs.
I don't understand what you have against "manipulated situations" like bars. It doesn't seem consistent with freely psychologically indulging in sex and drugs. Your environment affects you, so why not control that effect? Just as you might control your mind with drugs from time to time. It seems like you oppose it just for the sake of opposing the mainstream.
"Are you a communist or a socialist? Or do you abhor labels?" Werbert
Now I agree that the dude who did this post has too many standards. But allow me to fly off subject here, why do people defend labelling? I mean we ridicule highschool kids for this type of clique assimilation, but then we never get out of it ourselves? I mean, the only difference is the cliques are more "adult" now right?
I'm still trying to figure out why aspies defend such primative and barbaric tribal codes that often work against us. What is there for people to defend about an evolutionary state of divide and conquor and dominance issues? It's barbaric, it leads to crap like religious wars, race wars, enslavement and oppression, the halucaust... And yet people defend this and act like if you don't assimilate to a pre-set mold then being an individual makes you "immature" or something. The worst argument I've heard anyone mention is "bias is what makes life livable or entertaining"... So basically this tells me people can't enterain themselves without biggotry, war, chaos, oppression, and irrational and immoral behaviors?
Man.... Can I join an alien race somewhere?
Labels are useful because the world is too big to judge everyone on a case-by-case basis.
Yes, I realize how bigoted that sounds, but it's the truth.
They also provide us with pride. Many people are proud of their families or their churches or sports teams. They also give us a sense of identity. It is much easier to know who you are if you say that you're a white, Democratic, fan of the Boston Red Sox than if you just say "I'm a human being." They also help rein in human behavior. Some people may not commit a crime if they know that it will bring shame to their families or their towns.
And that pride turns into hate and feeds into the will to dominate, which means oppressing those who are different, or who are lower on the "ladder of importance as a human being" within society. We aspies are at the bottom of this ladder.
I think if people weren't so ape-brained and actually made some kind of effort to challenge their animal codes and perhaps breed the animal out over enough generations we would find more effective ways. Logically though, people are too stubborn to act in progressive ways, largely due to this overblown since of pride.
Atleast your honset though and your not overly defensive about it.
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