LikeGreenAndBlue wrote:
I wouldn't describe myself as asexual, more like unlucky and lovesick.
Everytime I fall in love, she either lives in a different country, already has a boyfriend or simply not interested (or not attracted) in me for one reason or another.
Urgh, I understand about the 'in another country'. ;-;
Just to throw in my two cents. I know I can get romantically attatched to people (guys and girls, although I identify as gay for reasons I'm about to mention), but I'm not quite sure about my 'sexuality' as of yet (not much experience I'll chalk it down to!). I know I am most definitely not attracted sexually to guys, and am to girls. I know I've tried something with a guy (to 'prove' to myself I was straight, at the time), and was completely repulsed even though the guy was what should be 'perfect'. Never tried anything with a girl even though I get sexually attracted to them, but it's possibly that when I /do/ finally do something with a girl that sexual attraction will 'switch' off.
So after all that rambling, my answer is 'possibly'.
I'm gay or asexual, it will depend on future experience. (At the moment, on knowledge I have and to open myself up for said experiences, I identify as gay, even though the latter is possible.)