joestenr wrote:
I find myself doomed to this repeating cycle, either i so guarded that you will not know me anybetter after a year than u would after a first date. Or i try to open up to someone and either scare them off or say something the wrong way and end up offending or hurting them (usually while trying to explaine why i had suddenly withdrawn compleatly)
I could just lie and say that something came up and just omitt that this was staring at the wall while tears streamed down my cheeks. But i get this foolish idea that by being open that it will bring greator closeness with others even when it usually just results in me feeling more isolated.
Open, honest communication is absolutely the best option, IMO, particularly if intimacy is a priority for you. Granted, not everyone can handle it, but those who can will remain by your side. Quality is definitely better than quantity.
Previously Certified Curmudgeon. License expired May 04, 2011
Now downgraded to merely difficult.