I got told by my boyfriend that I have Aspergers, his mother and her sister-in-law already asked several times (not to me) if I had aspergers. We had gotten into a long discussion with some extremely painful silent periods that I started thinking of what I could have possibly done wrong THIS time, why he might not be happy with me, etc. I am one of the most paranoid people (relationship-wise) you will ever meet xD
Anyways, after a long chat about certain traits and me not knowing why I was like that, just knowing "I'm daddy's little girl", he asked if I wanted to know. I wasn't sure, but after a few minutes, I said I did want to know. "You sure? You won't freak out or anything?" That sent up some red flags, of course. The fact he deemed it something that I might freak out about, but nothing that would be harmful to my well-being, was a very stressful thought. Finally, he showed me the wikipedia article with the list of traits I most certainly matched, and told me that certain family members had asked if I had this. He had figured it out within a couple months of my landing in Aus, but had waited five months to finally tell me, trying to figure out HOW to tell me.
Yes, I freaked out. I cried. I said mean things in private about "how could dad do this to me?" etc etc. Life goes on, I'm learning to cope now. I'm pulling out books about AS, and doing research along with lurking this forum.
Absolutely and truly in love <33
~http://www.wrongplanet.net/postp4364334.html - intro to me (: ~
Your Aspie score: 158 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 56 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie