spongy wrote:
... imo there´s no such a thing as coming on too strong and its just an excuse for not giving a girl a fair chance.
I do not agree. Imo, the person who is "coming on" must keep in mind that the person he or she is "coming on" to may need to move at a slower pace. Case in point: after only three dates, the girl I was seeing at the time was already asking me when I was going to propose, making plans for
her wedding, how she would decorate
her home, and how she was going to raise
her kids. There was no fourth date.
spongy wrote:
Most guys hate mindgames...
Agreed. "Stay Away Closer" and "You Don't Love Me / Say You Love Me" and "It's Never Good Enough Until It's Too Late" are the three that I hate most.
spongy wrote:
... and the whole chasing girls/doing all the effort is pretty tiring so most guys will be very happy if a girl they are interested in made her feelings clear from the beginning.
Agreed. However, "Eat dirt and die" is a pretty harsh way of being told what's on her mind.
spongy wrote:
For example some months ago I came across a female member with too much free time that no longer posts here. After we exchanged a couple of messages she made a joke poem about me (she had a joke poem thread) and since it took me some time to reply she was worried about having taken things too far, whereas I was actually trying to make a reply to her poem that showed my gratitude without sounding creepy.
You have thus reinforced the point I made in my first reply - there
is such a thing as coming on too strong,
especially when the other person has a slower social pace.