NTs are most definitely not guaranteed a love life. Love and relationships can be very troublesome and full of issues for everyone, just different views, experiences, personalities, circumstances etc mean that these problems can vary and be dealt with in a wide variety of ways.
There's a load of obstacles, so just being NT doesnt guarantee anything when it comes to love...
it's all about the right person, place, time and mutualness. It has nothing to do with NT/AS or at least that's what I personally believe. I could be wrong. There are different problems faced, as syrella has said, but added to that I also think it varies person to person significantly.
I think it depends on what you mean by "loner". You could mean someone who prefers time to themselves only and shuts out other people in favour of their own time/space. Or you might mean a little less than that and simply mean someone who is not so fussed about their own popularity and is comfortable with spending time alone.
There -are- NTs who aren't bothered about socialising as much as others and are comfortable being by themselves, and may even prefer that.
I would imagine that someone such as that could potentially be harder to get to know if they prefer being by themselevs above all else. They would have to be a little bit flexible about that to let someone into their life in a way.
I think the other thing you are referring to is independency. Women that can fend for themsleves and are content with being single for the time being.
There are women like that out there, but again they could be harder to get to know unless they allow feelings to develop.
I would think that you would need patience getting to know a woman like that, but by the sounds of it, it seems like that kind of woman is one you'd really like to get to know, so it could be worth the wait
Good luck! Hope I helped somehow...