I believe it. Ok, I do tai chi, it's a kind of meditation among other things. When you do it for several hours each day you "atract" people. They get atracted to you, no matter what you look like, I've experienced it in my teacher. You want to be near him, talk to him, impress him, hear him talk. Feel his presence.
Sometimes I do tai chi for an hour, an hour and a half in the moring. Then I go shopping; haven't taken a bath, haven't combed my hair, stains on my clothes, and still people smile at me, want to talk to me. I ask a question to a clerk in the supermarket, he keeps talking, explaining, smiles to me the whole time. I radiate something. And I know what it is, it's what I experience with my teacher, it's inner beauty.
Meditation makes you beautifull on the inside.