There are a lot of smoke and mirrors out there in the dating world. It can sometimes be hard to distinguish between a high-value man and a “$30k millionaire” whose lifestyle is a mirage and far different than the reality of his particular financial and personal situation. There are entire websites out there dedicated to helping losers appear as if they actually have their lives together just so they can get laid. It’s important to be able to tell the difference between the charlatans and the actual high-value, marryable men out there.
Before sharing tips on how to identify a high-value man, let’s first define what a “high-value man” is. A high-value man:
works hard to slowly accumulate wealth and isn’t a sucker for a “get rich quick” angle.
is usually always in control of his emotions. Everything in and around his life is there because he wants it to be there. He will almost never appear “out of control”.
is confident and never clingy. He holds a “can take it or leave it” attitude towards most things.
is sometimes cocky. They generally have a good sense of humor and will tease the ones they love with some regularity.
has goals. $30k millionaires don’t harbor much specific ambition about the future because their life is predicated on immediate gratification. A high value man is the guy talking about his plan to own a Corvette ten years from now, see Taj Mahal once before he dies, etc.
Now that we’ve spent some time pointing out the differences between a high-value guy and a child masquerading as a man, let’s get into some specific examples of signs of a high value man:
is passionate about his work.
draws clear boundaries in his life between work time and play time.
sleeping with you the first night he meets you or on a first date does not appear to be his top priority; he’s more interested in building a connection with you.
talks about “when” he has kids as if the thought of one day not having them isn’t even an option.
dresses nice but is clearly not that concerned about his appearance.
builds up everyone around him and is rarely negative about others.
takes pride in the appearance and cleanliness of his home.
values and belief systems are unwavering.
the extent to which he appears interested doesn’t cross the line of appearing needy or overly anxious.
not always, but will often indicate a certain reverence for his father.
almost never whines about anything whether it’s personal or political issues.
puts himself in situations to interact with other men (intramural sports, bachelor parties, reunions, etc).
occasionally or even somewhat frequently demonstrates a certain aloofness towards variables or individuals in an unfamiliar setting. In other words, doesn’t need to understand everything or everyone nor fit into every situation (because he’s comfortable with who he is).
doesn’t try too hard to be funny.
very rarely loses his temper.
Most women have a general awareness of most of these characteristics of a high value man, but it’s nice to be reminded of them from time to time. There are a lot of posers out there that sometimes one loses sight of the type of man they should be looking to find in order to enter into a stable, long-term relationship with high potential one day for marriage and children. The posers might fool you for a little while, but eventually they will betray who they really are by deviating from the above characteristics in a major way which is another good reason to wait a while before sleeping with a man.
I dont know, he sounds nice
wheres the controversy with it?