Love, lust, crush...... It's so confusing to me. You start mistaking one for the other and then you realise you have no idea what any of it is supposed to mean. Since people who are in 'love' decide to get married, but so many times these days people get devorced just as fast as they got married, then maybe they were actually in lust, not love?
I think it is supposed to be:
-a CRUSH is usually when you have really giddy exciting feelings for someone but it may be alot on looks because you can have a crush on someone you know NOTHING about but you think is really cute. These come and go easily, and may not last very long.
-LUST I am not really sure about. I always thought it was another word for 'passion'. People in lust enjoy MAKING LOVE. They make each other HOT, but I don't think there is necessarily any emotional attachments there.
-LOVE is..... Hmmm.... Well I am guessing it is like a combination of crush and lust, in where at first its exciting, and sex is totally appealing and lasting and more meaningful, but true love is a lasting one. It might lose its initial 'WOW! This person FREAKIN ROCKS EVERYTHING!' feeling, but after you are accustomed to the persons pros and cons, you still feel like no one understands you and appreciates you better and you wouldn't want to be with anyone else.
But to be honest, I'm not really sure I WANT love because I want that passion, that excitement, that feeling of placing the person on a pedestal to LAST always.... I mean if you REALLY love someone, you won't take them for granted and they should never lose their appeal and romance to you. the problem is, once you are married, some people don't try anymore. For instance, the wife lets her looks go or something, wears less makeup, more lazy clothing, because shes not like 'on a night on the town looking for guys' or something. But then the poor guy is like 'whats THIS? So suddenly I'm not good enough for her to make herself look presentable? This was just a ploy to real me in?' Hah. But ALSO, at this point, looks aren't so important as personality is, but you still want to turn each other on too. Like, sex is probably important to the overall emotional and spiritual connection, as well as physical affections. It should ALL be there in love.
Well, I guess it is similar to becoming friends with a celebrity lets say. At first it is like OMG and you can't talk and you're nervous and its freaking *insert famous name here*! But then, what if you get close ya know, and become chums, then, after each visit, you start getting more comfortable around him and then the excitement dies down and you are able to just be normal around him. Now for a celeb friend that would be perfect.
But for a lover..... I think the damn movies, novels and videogames all the time make us YEARN for that 'happily ever after' kind of ideal romance love. Some of us geekier people, some of us more kind and gullible ones, we might live in fantasy a little too often and lose track of reality and then when we date, we are like 'what the hell is THIS?'. So..... I guess some of us (myself included) need to come out of the cave a little more often and explore real life and real love and see if its all its cracked up to be or not.
Hahah.... It's funny how I sound so wise here and yet I've like had ONE boyfriend for 6 weeks, if he even counts cause I never met him in person. But I've had feelings for lots of different people I could never have. I would have to say the current guy I am very VERY serious about. I don't want to call it just crush or lust cause that sounds too mild. I think love is more accurate. But that all depends if LOVE can only happen between TWO people. As in, 'in love WITH' someone, sharing it together IS love. It's shared? Can I not be 'in love at' 'in love for' 'in love towards' someone? Because..... I know I care about him intensely in all the right ways and I would be so loyal and compassionate like you have never seen in your life. All for him.
Ofcourse I can never be with him so I best not dwell on this too much before my heart starts breaking again.
Why are feelings so illogical anyway? How come it is possible to want someone you know you can't be with? I think it is because your brain and heart are two different organs
(Please forgive the long post. But if even ONE person just read and appreciated what I just posted than it was not in vain)