awwwwwww! that is pretty obvious now, no question! great news to hear, good for you about following up instead of just ignoring it or assuming something bad.
people speak cryptically because they are mortally afraid of being rejected. so if you had understood his text but not been interested, you could have ignored his hint and it would have been a "soft" rejection. he may have put out a little hint one or two more times at a later date but would eventually figure out you were not interested. nobody loses their dignity that way.
but if he had bluntly asked, you could have said, "WHAAAAAAT? NO WAY, EWWW!" which would be more of a "hard" rejection. he could not have saved face in that situation.
it isn't a system that works for aspies.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list: