Jonsi wrote:
So I've scheduled a date for the friday after exams. But now I really, really don't want to. I want to use that friday to rest because my week is now going to be extremely stressful. I really would love to continue things with this girl. Really would. But I wouldn't be able to give her my best if I was tired and stressed.
My biggest problem, and why I've posted is because I honestly have no idea how to say all that and not potentially lose her. Do I simply say something came up? I don't know. I've never faced this situation before.
Honestly, you made a date with a girl you like and if you cancel she is going to think you aren't into her or are indecisive and that's a turn off. You can certainly change the nature of the date though. If you had made plans for a long dinner, change them to coffee or tea for an hour instead. Tell her when you arrive that you have to apologize if you seem a bit (however you seem when you're tired) and explain that you're tired but wanted to see her.