RICKY5 wrote:
steeviebops wrote:
Here we go again...
There's a girl who works in a shop near me, a few times over the last two months or so I've noticed her eyeing me up and smiling at me, going out of her way to talk to me, things like that. A few weeks ago she asked me if I lived with my girlfriend, which I took to mean she was trying to find out if I was single. I told her I was single and she said she was too, so the next time I met her I handed her my number. Didn't hear back but the next time I saw her she apologised and said she lost it because her mother washed her clothes. So she asked for my phone and gave me her number this time.
Only it wasn't, I tried to text her and the message was never received on the other end. I gave her the benefit of the doubt but hadn't been able to bring it up with her as it seemed the shop was busy any time I went in. So I sent her a message on Facebook explaining that I think she gave me the wrong number. She replied a few hours later, telling me that she "feels bad" but is actually gay and has a girlfriend. For starters I don't believe that one bit. She was all over me just a couple of weeks ago, plus she said she was single initially as I mentioned above. Either she found out something about me that she didn't like, or else the whole thing was just an ego boost for her.
It just makes me feel like there's something inside me that repels women and that I'm destined to be alone, maybe I should just accept it and give up trying.
That's exactly what it was. Just a quick hit of male validation.
The op might get some more valid feedback from people who aren't bitter and have experience with girls tbh.
IMO, she sounds like a bit of a dork, way would someone ask if you have a GF if they wern't interested. Maybe she got cold feet. Maybe she didn't know if she really liked you (That DOES happen), I've never in my life heard of a woman coming onto a guy for an "ego boost". Maybe because she has low self esteem, girls with low self esteem flirt with everyone because they like the attention, but thats it really.